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kyosukeugc Blog

Wii - Finally!

I finally have a Wii!

Am enjoying the hell out of it!

Thanks Metroid: Other M for making me want this gaming system!

That is all. :p

Happy 2007 Everyone!

I probably won't post anything new until the New Year, so I figured that I should just say a big:

Happy New Year 2007

to everyone!

Hope that everyone has a great and proerous New Year that brings you lots of games and some anime too!!! :) Oh and of course that life goes good ;)

PC vs. 360 vs. PS3 vs. Wii - Oh the choices!

I have a dilemma.

The dilemma is upgrade my PC, buy a PS3, buy a Wii, or buy an Xbox 360. The reason why it's a tough one is come the begining of the year, I'm only going to be able to afford to do one of them.

For me most of all it's really between upgrading my PC and buying a PS3.  I've needed to upgrade my PC for awhile now, especially if I want to buy/play any newer games and also where I can be able to play my current games on their highest settings. As it is right now I can mostly only play on Medium without if being laggy.. For the PS3, I want to play Resistance, I want to play Virtua Fighter 5 when it comes out in February and I want to play Motorstorm when its released. I don't have an HDTV, but I still could enjoy it as it is. The downloadable content would be great too.

The 360 and the Wii have their attractions too with some of their game lineup coming in 2007 and a few current titles out now. So I even bounce back and forth here as well.

I have until mid February to probably figure this out after I get my income tax refund (which will be some nice $$$ ) and hopefully I'll have it all figured out by then, but for now I am very torn on what to do. No matter what, some of my money is getting invested into gaming in this coming new year. Where it will go, only time will tell.

Damn you companies for giving me so many choices! lol.

Zelda: Twighlight Princess - Fanboys.....

Ok, I just have the following to say after reading all over Gamespot on this the past couple of weeks, even still today... I saw a petition created n the subject to change the review. Cmon now...

...Just LET IT GO.

GameSpot's/Jeff's review is an OPINION. Just like everyone else who's played it, it's their OPINION. Maybe, just maybe his opinion was right? Who knows. Most people that actually play Zelda still and want the games are nothing more than Zelda fanboys, so of course they're going to say it was awesome, just because it was Zelda... Just like how the FF fanboys felt 9.0 was too low for FFXII.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. You can make complaints and petitions all you want, but all it would do is cause trouble. If GS Actually listened to it and did aother review you'd be opening a can of worms for tons of other games too.

Please think about things logically and realize one opinion doesn't change the game. If it does change the game and cause issues for you, maybe you need to re-think how you really feel about the game. Why worry about it at all if you truely love the game? Sounds to me like you have doubts in it and someone actually posted those doubts to make them true.

Live to play the games, not piss, gripe and moan about them.

Games that Inspire?

What makes us want to buy video games?

Now I'm not talking about your hardcore gamers out there, because I'm not one of them. I don't necesarily consider myself a casual either. I play enough games that I do get my fair share throughout the year. I don't necesarily always get the newest games out, but I get ones that I think I might enjoy.

How do I know if I'll enjoy a game or not? What inspires me to pick up a certain game? What inspires other gamers like me to pick their games? Honestly, I don't really know. I suppose word of mouth is a good one. At the same time though, I don't necesarily listen to that very much, because I would have picked up an Xbox 360 by now or worked harder to upgrade my computer.

I start thinknig along the lines of "genre" and that idea fails me too. I own RPGs, Shooters, Fighting Games, RTS, Puzzle, etc. I pretty much own a little bit of everything. So that idea gets thrown out the window. I try and then put price into the equation but that doesn't factor in really either. I don't think I've ever bought a game that wasn't at minimum $29.99 and most are $49.99. I honestly don't know what causes me to want to pick up certain games. Is it instinct? Is it tons of advertising and videos thrown in my face? Is it the curiosity of wanting to see what all the hype is about? I honestly don't know.

I do have my favorite series' of games. Well, one I should say. I love and adore Final Fantasy. Ever since I picked up FFIII for the SNES back in the day I have been hooked on the series ever since. Beyond that though, I don't have anything I truely look forward too. I've done it all pretty much. I've even done the MMO thing with Guild Wars. Guild Wars was partially chosen because there was no monthly fee, but I wanted to play it even way before I knew that, so that idea gets tossed out too (except for the fact I refuse to play a game that has a fee lol).

Maybe it's all really a big mystery and something I may never know. One thing is for sure though and that's that I've never been disappointed in my choices. Maybe that's it. Maybe it's not about inspiration, maybe it's all about careful planning and looking ahead. Unless it's a Final Fantasy game I never buy it on launch day. I always look at the game in different places. Travel to the store a few times before ever actually picking it up. Maybe there is no inspiration for me in the games I play. It's all simple calculations of knowing what I like. Is this a bad thing? Maybe it would seem that way to some as I might be missing out on something grand. You can't miss what you haven't had though as they say. As I've said too I've enjoyed everything I've ever picked up, so I have no regrets.

So I suppose that sums it up and why I am so unsure of what new console I'm going to pick up first. While I know my FF will be on the PS3, what's out there for me before then? What can I pick up and enjoy before it's time for my beloved game. I guess some time and careful planning will only tell.

The first Next Gen game to excite me!

After reading that article there's no doubt left in my mind that Motorstorm will be the key element to me wanting a PS3 early. I've been leary about buying one of the new consoles too early, mostly due to the fact that I care about FFXIII and there's no need for a new console until it comes out. Seeing Motorstorm and even getting to play the Demo at one of the kiosks has caught my attention over the past month or so here. Normally I don't do racing games, mostly because they're all the same to me. You just go around in circles to try and win a race. There's something different with Motorstorm though, sometime much more. From the way the game looks, to the overall physics/gameplay. I think the best description I've heard thus far is calling it an "action-racer."

One key element that has also intrigued me on this game is the "AI." - Apparantly as you play through Motorstorm and go through the tracks, the AI becomes "smarter" per say. It seems to start off somewhat dumb in the begining of the game, but then ends up to where the cars you are racing against, literally team up with one another to try and run you off the track! That just sounds Awesome!! to me. A racing game that actually requires a bit more skill than just pushing past your opponenet? Wow.

This game is absolutely beautiful and I'm happy with what I've seen thus far. I'm definately going to have to work on getting a PS3 in March when it releases. Lucky for me that's right after tax season. Hopefully I have extra money after a few bills/Hawaii trip to splurge on the system. Motorstorm here I come!

Anyway, read the article and see if you too are intrigued by this game. Many have heard of it I'm sure, but actually knowing about it is a whole other story. As they say this game is the first "I Told You So" Sony has for the PS3! :)

Nintendo Wii - My Impressions!

So I've been pretty skeptical on the whole Wiimote thing. Mostly because I'm a lazy gamer and like to sit down/relax or lay down while playing games. I finally got a chance to play the Wii at GameStop yesterday and I have to say the idealism of it all is really cool. Unfortunately the game demo they had was for Excite Truck, but it was a decent thing to test the Wiimote on. I have to say I liked how it worked and how it  played out. That feeling of having control was pretty nice. I do have to sy though that the control was a bit of a bummer on the turns though because I felt it turned too light and if you wanted to make a hard turn or try and spin it just wasn't possible. I'm sure since the technology on a console is new, the devs didn't get to play with it that much, but i definately see room for improvement. The whole nose up and nose down things while the truck was in air though worked Very nice! they seemed to do a good job on the in air action. I'd love to play a Dirt Bike game or Tony Hawk game trying to do stuff with the Wiimote...

Graphics wise, they weren't that bad. The PS3/360 do look sharper, but the graphics aren't bad at all. Unless you want real world structure on all yur games, you won't notice anythign mddy about the Wii graphics. They look just as good as any other game, just withut extra texture details or "pretty" rainfall. I felt tthe smoke/dirt could've been better in some places, but it wasn't a huge noticeable difference. Motormstorm on the PS3 is much more appealing as far as a racing game goes, but excite truck I think is more to show on Wiimote control anyway than graphical power.

For me, I don't think I'd want to play Wiisports or anything with alot of action, but simple games like Excite Truck and anything where you don't have to swing/throw, that I can just relax and play, the Wiimote is cool. I don't think the Wii is the system for me as being the lazy gamer, BUT I do still want one and would love to play alot of the games on it. I'm a PS3 fan because the games I want are there, and have grown fond of the 360 for a few games there as well. My skeptism of the Wii though is finally going away some and I feel it could have a nice place in my home as well. Giving each console a chance really does help in the end. I never scratch things off my list and give it the benefit of a doubt. The Wii might end up being my least used system, but there's still something on there for me when I want to play it

Gaming Gone Mad

For the first entry here I find it only fitting that I pick a topic that involves me ranting on stupid people. Anyone who knows me, know I can't stand stupid peope for the life of me. Anyway, on with it.

This whole Next Generation gaming thing all sounded wonderful in the begining. The chance of having three great systems to play on and enjoy the games you love was a smile waiting to happen for all gamers alike. Of course who were we kidding? Smiles from the gaming community itself? Yeah, Right.

Over the course of the past few weeks I have been spending quite a bit of time on the GameSpot forums and browsing around other gaming sites. At first it seemed nice to take a look at a bunch of people passionate about what system they want and what games they liked or disliked. Then I began to see the true side of these people. The mindlessness chaos that this Next Generation Gaming is brining.

The key element that brough my attention to the type of people I was dealing with was on the launch of the PS3. There was a drive-by shooting with a BB Gun at one of the Best Buys where people were waiting in line to be one of the first people to snag a PS3. I found this to be shocking and outrageous, but apparantly I was one of the few. Many people started laughing and making jokes about it. Sick jokes about people being shot at, regardless of what type of weapon was used. People saying "that's what they get for trying to buy a PS3" and other type comments. It only grew and escalated from there.

The "System Wars" forum here on GameSpot was lit up with people bashing on the PS3 and even the Wii from Xbox 360 fans (fanboys aka. lemmings). These people would harass people constantly calling the system they wanted garbage, calling them stupid, blind, weak, idiots, morons, etc.. the list keeps growing daily. The worst I saw was someone literally calling someone's mother a name and saying the innapropriate things he should do to her. Of course these "lemmings" weren't the only ones doing this, the PS3 fans (aka. cows) were retaliating some too, but the lemmings stood out the most because of their vast numbers and eagerness to bash the other people (not the system). It's become a dog fight over the course of the past week or so especially, not over the systems, but between the people themselves. It's a constant arguement of who's who and what's what. A topic starts off innocent by just saying something like "PS3 vs. 360" but then it escalates nearly always into a forum bloodbath per say with profanities and name calling being thrown all around. Most of these incidents fail to get moded/reported because it's a back and forth battle and those who might report would probably get reported themselves for the things they say.

I find this current community very sad and very immature. Now don't get me wrong, not everyone is like the people mentioned above, but at the same time it is a large number amounting to atleast half of the community. It's a sad time and a sad place to be in what's actually supposed to be a happy time for all gamers. Whether you like Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo there's something for everyone.

The point of this mostly is for me to let some stuff out and to say one thing. I support all of the systems in their own way. Each system has games that I like and would definately love to play. If I had to narrow it down to one, I'd probably go with the PS3 because of Final Fantasy, but that's as far as my own loyalties lie. That's how I feel all gamers loyalties should lie. With the games, not these systems. Systems War? What the hell is that. Let's get real and be the gamers we should be and not worry about the hardware. Worry about what system your game is on and go from there. Don't hate other people because they want/believe something different.

In closing I just want to say System Wars has become the Racism of gaming. Compare the actions of a Racist to the way that forum is going and you'll see the similarities. It's uncanny. Remember that the next time you want to bash on someone for their beliefs on games.
