What makes us want to buy video games?
Now I'm not talking about your hardcore gamers out there, because I'm not one of them. I don't necesarily consider myself a casual either. I play enough games that I do get my fair share throughout the year. I don't necesarily always get the newest games out, but I get ones that I think I might enjoy.
How do I know if I'll enjoy a game or not? What inspires me to pick up a certain game? What inspires other gamers like me to pick their games? Honestly, I don't really know. I suppose word of mouth is a good one. At the same time though, I don't necesarily listen to that very much, because I would have picked up an Xbox 360 by now or worked harder to upgrade my computer.
I start thinknig along the lines of "genre" and that idea fails me too. I own RPGs, Shooters, Fighting Games, RTS, Puzzle, etc. I pretty much own a little bit of everything. So that idea gets thrown out the window. I try and then put price into the equation but that doesn't factor in really either. I don't think I've ever bought a game that wasn't at minimum $29.99 and most are $49.99. I honestly don't know what causes me to want to pick up certain games. Is it instinct? Is it tons of advertising and videos thrown in my face? Is it the curiosity of wanting to see what all the hype is about? I honestly don't know.
I do have my favorite series' of games. Well, one I should say. I love and adore Final Fantasy. Ever since I picked up FFIII for the SNES back in the day I have been hooked on the series ever since. Beyond that though, I don't have anything I truely look forward too. I've done it all pretty much. I've even done the MMO thing with Guild Wars. Guild Wars was partially chosen because there was no monthly fee, but I wanted to play it even way before I knew that, so that idea gets tossed out too (except for the fact I refuse to play a game that has a fee lol).
Maybe it's all really a big mystery and something I may never know. One thing is for sure though and that's that I've never been disappointed in my choices. Maybe that's it. Maybe it's not about inspiration, maybe it's all about careful planning and looking ahead. Unless it's a Final Fantasy game I never buy it on launch day. I always look at the game in different places. Travel to the store a few times before ever actually picking it up. Maybe there is no inspiration for me in the games I play. It's all simple calculations of knowing what I like. Is this a bad thing? Maybe it would seem that way to some as I might be missing out on something grand. You can't miss what you haven't had though as they say. As I've said too I've enjoyed everything I've ever picked up, so I have no regrets.
So I suppose that sums it up and why I am so unsure of what new console I'm going to pick up first. While I know my FF will be on the PS3, what's out there for me before then? What can I pick up and enjoy before it's time for my beloved game. I guess some time and careful planning will only tell.