I have a dilemma.
The dilemma is upgrade my PC, buy a PS3, buy a Wii, or buy an Xbox 360. The reason why it's a tough one is come the begining of the year, I'm only going to be able to afford to do one of them.
For me most of all it's really between upgrading my PC and buying a PS3. I've needed to upgrade my PC for awhile now, especially if I want to buy/play any newer games and also where I can be able to play my current games on their highest settings. As it is right now I can mostly only play on Medium without if being laggy.. For the PS3, I want to play Resistance, I want to play Virtua Fighter 5 when it comes out in February and I want to play Motorstorm when its released. I don't have an HDTV, but I still could enjoy it as it is. The downloadable content would be great too.
The 360 and the Wii have their attractions too with some of their game lineup coming in 2007 and a few current titles out now. So I even bounce back and forth here as well.
I have until mid February to probably figure this out after I get my income tax refund (which will be some nice $$$ ) and hopefully I'll have it all figured out by then, but for now I am very torn on what to do. No matter what, some of my money is getting invested into gaming in this coming new year. Where it will go, only time will tell.
Damn you companies for giving me so many choices! lol.