I'm a long time “Girl Gamer”. When I was young, I used to just sit quietly and watch my older brother and his friends play video games. It was a thousand times more entertaining to me than watching some kids show on TV.
The Intellivision was the first system that we owned and we still have it! But most of our games don’t work anymore except the really boring ones like Blackjack and Bowling.
Then we had the almighty Nintendo!!! Complete with the Gun and the totally useless but cool looking Robot. We were the only ones among our friends who had it. To this day, I still think that the only true purpose of R.O.B. was to make all the other kids insanely jealous.
But for me, the most amazing system was the SNES. I was about 9 or 10 years old when my brother and I got one. A couple of days before Christmas, my mother said that she hoped we wouldn’t be too disappointed, but they couldn’t get a SNES. My father told us that there wasn’t any console left in any stores so they had bough something else for each of us. It was a cruel lie! On Christmas Eve, when we opened our gifts, we discovered that they had split the box in two and gave me the part with the controllers and my brother, the part with the system! We played Super Mario World all night in my Grandparent’s basement. Best Christmas Ever!
Super Mario World has got to be the game I played the most in my life. My favorite game however, was Zelda: A Link to the Past. It was the only game that we had that was in French and I didn't speak English at the time. It was great to finally understand what the hell I was doing and it introduced me to the fantastic world of RPGs.
Then I had a Game Gear for a couple of months before I sold it. “Sega Sonic” didn't appeal to me as much as “Nintendo Mario” did.
After that, the PC era arrived with SimCity2000, Doom and the great X-Com: UFO Defense. I completely stopped playing console games.
But 3 years ago, I would spend 2 hours a day in a train to go to school, so I bought a Nintendo DS with Advance Wars and Mario Kart. It made me reconnect with the wonderful world of Nintendo. This summer I also got a Game Cube on eBay just because I wanted to play Resident Evil 4 so bad.
Not only am I a “Girl Gamer”, but I’m also a Nintendo Devout… speaking of Devout I have got to go play some Final Fantasy III!!
kyrielle Blog
-HappyNY!!!-... Bon New York 2007!!!
by kyrielle on Comments
I just found out that my Age of Kings (DS) and Need for Speed Carbon (GC) games just shipped from the mail!!!
I should get them this week.
FF3 (DS) will just have to go on the shelves 4 awhile!
GameSpot Age of Kings Board.... Here I come !!!
I should get them this week.
FF3 (DS) will just have to go on the shelves 4 awhile!
GameSpot Age of Kings Board.... Here I come !!!
-FF3 4 the DS- Pour la suite des choses
by kyrielle on Comments
I finished FF3 last week and the only thing left for me to do before I receive my brand new Age of Empires game from the mail, is to unlock the unlokables: -The onion knight -The legendary blacksmith -The ultima weapon -And get to the secret dungeon But for that, I need friends! 1890 6496 1959 is my friend code, what is yours? Just PM me with ur code if you want to add me so I can add you too :)
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