This list took a while to make because there is a lot of bad games. If you have a game i missed comment me....
7.Barbie Horse Adventures
my score-2.5/10
I feel bad for all the little girls who went out and got this game.
6.Yoshi's cookie
my score-2.5/10
Why was this game made its a bad puzzle game......
5.Pacman (atari 2600 version)
My score-2.0/10
What did pac-man do to star in this game?
4.Charlie's Angels
my score-1.5/10
Come on did you think it was gonna be a good game .
3.The Legend Of Zelda:Wand Of Gomrion
My score-1.0/10
Heres a tip Nintendo dont let anyone else make Zelda games.
2.Big Rigs:Over The Road Racing
My score-0.5/10
How do they call it a game?
1.E.T: The Extra-Terrestrial
A game that helped cause the video game crash.
So hoped you liked my list and thanks for reading.