Danny that thing about your girlfriend...four guys at a party? That chick had what was coming and its damn right the thing to do no matter how old you are, and I bet you still think so deep down ;)
Back to your point, you do, as always, make a good argument, and I like your attempts to identify with them young'uns by talking about your teenage years so that people don't come back and say you are too old to know what teenagers are thinking. It is pretty bad having guys spew out the crap they do all over the internet, but I'd add another reason they do it: its somewhere for them to vent, its an outlet for them to express their feelings without any actual consequence, which they definitely can't do in real life, especially as a teenager.
But GTA 5 is friggin awesome and I couldn't care less if I don't get to play as a woman so I would not agree with Carolyn Petit's view of it being profoundly misogynistic. Its almost like saying Band of Brothers is profoundly misogynistic because all the woman on that show are there to tend the wounds and wash the clothes of the male warriors who go out and risk their lives fighting the germans...thats the way it was!! And thats the way the underground criminal world is too...a woman is largely out of place in that world. Sure they could have put the token woman in there, just like the token black guy in a largely white story just to satisfy the politically correct police, but whats the point? I don't want or need my guilty fun on a GTA crime spree to be teaching me anything about gender equality, and I doubt other 20 something old males (the target demographic) do either.
Also got completely addicted to WOW in college where it basically took over my life. Still thought it was an awesome game when I decided to quit (at vanilla WOW) and even today many expansions later it looks like tons of fun, but am not gonna go anywhere near it. Its just way too much of a time sink and started affecting school/social life. Am glad to say I have never touched DOTA and still don't plan to. Its definitely possible to be a gamer and have a good social life, but.I think playing something like WOW or DOTA makes achieving it very very difficult.
Danny brings up some good points...keep the videos coming!
Fully agree that its time for cod to move over for something new. From the 5 minutes of Titanfall footage it does look super awesome. I was blown away by Modern Warfare 1 and thought it was a really great singleplayer (the sniper level!) and multiplayer experience, but the subsequent releases have really bored me to death. Really sucks Titanfalls not being released on PS4 though.
Screw Alien, they've never been able to make a good game out of the Alien. The Predator would make a much more interesting game, as you would control the Predator in 3rd person the entire game. You'd be in some city, tearing cops and hookers apart, and he wouldn't be clunky to control unlike the Aliens in this game, because the development team would have spent countless hours on working out how to have a fluid control mechanism over the Predator (similar in scale to all the moves and animations Connor had in AC3). Therefore the Predator would be a joy to control and wreak havoc with. It would be similar to Prototype, except with a kick ass IP. Hell you could even have it set over a period of many years, and have an early level be battling in the jungles of South America against a team of US commandos, and a later level be in LA with the Predator fighting off the LAPD. Point is, the alien is no longer a faceless mass in the alien games, but a single character and the main character. Then its just up to the developers to make that main character super awesome with wicked moves. Thats a game I would definitely pay money for.
@Bookerjj2000 "Halo gave the experience to non-PC gamers, the full Lan support and solid controls and PC gamers had for years. Because of Halo, FPS and now more popular on consoles than on PC, since the console market generally makes more money than the PC. Hell, its to the point now where there are FPS popping out like popcorn." There are plenty of games that have done much more than Halo for the games industry. How about the GTA series? They singlehandedly invented 3rd person 3D open world gaming - and which now have imitations "popping out like popcorn" as well. I don't even understand Halo's achievement...oh right, they popularized console FPS (if you ignore Goldeneye), no wait...they popularized online shooters (if you ignore Counterstrike). OK so their achievement was getting masses of people to play online shooters on the Xbox platform (a thoroughly inferior platform for playing FPS's compared to the PC) - i'm officially impressed. And the difference between Halo and GTA , is that loads of people don't think that the GTA games are mediocre at best.
I love this Dutton guy. Some professor of fluff from the university of buttfuuk nowhere looks at 2 games, and all of a sudden he is qualified to tell us about video games.
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