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More Random Game Mumblings and Musings

Big surprise. VALVe fails to make yet another release date. We know you all enjoy driving around in your gold-plated Ferarris guys, but if you want one for every day of the week, you have to release more games!

I've been playing a lot of Blast Corps recently. Add that to your big list of games that deserve a sequel or remake that will never get one. This is one of the few games I can play without even noticing the age of the graphics because I enjoy it so much. Oh Rare, what happened to the company we knew and loved?

Finally got World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusdade, and am now busy brute-forcing the jewelcrafting skill on my main character after ditching engineering. Outland will just have to wait. At least one of my alts is gaining levels for the first time since July of last year!

I also downloaded the demo for Supreme Commander, but I haven't touched it much between destroying buildings and manufacturing loads of low level garbage. I don't really have that great a machine anyway, so I doubt I can run it to its full potential. An upgrade is on the horizon, however. I've been saving my pennies, and I want to get myself the following system:

If anybody is reading this, tips/advice on my planned rig are welcome.