I started a Facebook Group and have been keeping close tabs (or as close as possible) and as there has been no official statement that the show has been canned, then as far as I am concerned, it is still on, just gone very under ground. Here is a summary of what I have found C&P from the Facebook group. 18 - August - New Franchise to be announced Mid September? http://battlefront3.net/2009/08/lucasarts-to-reveal-new-franchise-game/ 13 - August - Nothing to report. It's like a soft breeze. Ooo, there goes a tumble weed... 1 - August - Rumours and even more rumours - SWBF3 not coming to Next Gen Hardware? http://battlefront3.net/2009/05/star-wars-battlefront-iii-may-not-go-next-gen/ 4 -July - It has been too quite on the scene for SWBF3. I just wanted to let you know I was still looking, watching and hopin'. 8 - June - Not too sure why I haven't founf this site before... http://battlefront3.net/ 2 - 4 June - Keep your eyes stuck on http://e3insider.com/ - rumour and hope is that an announcement may be made. Probably more hope but where would we be without that. 30 May 2009 - Secret Projects @ Pandemic - Could one of these be SWBF3? http://www.pandemicstudios.com/corp/currentprojects 26 May 2009 - Add your name to the I WANT SWBF3!!! Thread below. 12 May 2009 - SAY IT AIN'T SO!!! http://www.ps3center.net/news/2920/rumor-star-wars-battlefront-iii-may-not-go-next-gen/ 8 Apr - Mobile SWBF? - http://www.theforce.net/latestnews/story/star_wars_battlefront_mobile_squadrons_120270.asp 11 Mar - Pandemic Deny SWBF3 Ownership Rumours http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=210196 3 Mar - Who has SWBF3? See http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=39831650751&topic=7734 18 Feb - Rebellion Web Site back up. IGN has been asked by Lucasarts to remove leaked Free Radical footage. Rumours a surfacing of a Pandemic/Rebellion coperative effort. http://au.ps3.ign.com/articles/946/946502p1.html 01 Feb - It appears that Rebellions web site is undergoing renovations. Been down for a couple of days. http://www.rebellion.co.uk/
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