Well I've not been able to make anything more than fleeting visits on here for a couple of days and I get back and find you've all written about four new blogs! Really guys, naughty naughty! How am I meant to keep up with you all when you're all so prolific?? ;)
Bit of a mish mash today, just need to occupy myself while some programs work their magic on my comp. So..hmm.. where to start?
Update: The phone number I got whilst stranded in a service station has turned out to be owned by a guy in my line of work, so he's straight out of the window :D Not that I don't trust the kind of guys I work with. I do, just not in my romantic life. Oh no. They are what I believe my mum would refer to as "Bad News."
TV: This weeks Who was great I thought, I loved the way we actually got an explanation for why Torchwood wasn't around. I was going to write a review but figured a million other people would do a better one so I'd leave it to them :) That weight of responsibility now lies with you QB, Lin, France etc :D
I finally managed to get my hands on Series 2 of Life on Mars this week and I've watched the first four episodes of that so far. I have to say I'm impressed, Gene Hunt gets funnier, Ray gets more annoying, Chris is even more dorky and adorable, and Sam gets better looking :lol: Can't wait to find out what happens at the end now.
Lin's Quiz: I must admit I'm struggling to find a suitable question to send to Lin for her quiz, I want to get one that's quite difficult to find the answer to, maybe not all that easily accessible online, but I'm having difficultly. God only knows how she's managing to write all eight billion other questions needed! She deserves a saint hood me thinks. Oh yes. (But only if I don't come last :lol: )
Music: I've spent most of the last two days with the radio on in the background, listening to the coverage of Glastonbury. I think its been great so far. Sort of punished myself a little earlier and watched the Arctic Monkey's headline set from the Pyramid Stage. I could've cried. I'm so disappointed I didn't get to see them on Tuesday. I'm hunting around for tickets for the Manchester gigs in July though and fingers crossed I'll manage to get my hands on some. It would be even better if I didn't have to pay the equivalent of the deficit of a thrid world country to get them too :D
Another of my favourite bands are headlining this weekend, The Killers, and this little clicky will take you to Mr Brightside. Go click, tis one of my favourite songs and the lyrics are amazing:
And finally I thought I'd share some of my favourite avatars (this may just be a reason to insert pics of sexy men, you have been warned.
Yes that is JB, I know, I needed a cold shower too :D
He really is :D
Told you it was just an excuse ;)
It shouldn't be sexy, but it sooo is
I think this says it all really
And finally, two that I find humourous :D
I'll leave you with an inspiring quote from the goddess that was Dorothy Parker:
"I might repeat to myself slowly and soothingly, a list of quotations beautiful from minds profound - if I can remember any of the damn things. "