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A Life Line of Sorts

I intended to use this blog as a chance to have a rant about Dr Who. The usual praise and grumble type thing. However the most extrodinary thing happened to me today and I've been on a cloud of love every since. Well, maybe not that extrodinary but you'll see why it made me smile I think.

Had a few home truths revealled regarding certain people close to me recently and I was feeling generally sorry for myself and be-moaning human nature. As you do. All these revelations came to a head today when pieces of a rather depressing story fell into place. (I don't need to bore you with all that, just setting the scene. Stay with me guys :) ) However not long after this I received a present in the post. One of my friends had sent me a compilation cd that they'd put together for me. It's labelled my 'cd of shame' because it's all the cheesy and old fashioned kind of music that I adore but my mates tease me about. It's got stuff like Glen Miller and Cole Porter and sappy show tunes and early 90's ballards, and dodgy dance tunes, on it. She's put it together for me and sent me it, just because she could.  

Now I just found it such an amazing gift. To me it was worth a thousand extravagent and expensive presents.

So what I'd like to be the thought for the day, before I snap out of my haze and return to my cynical, sarcastic and overly randy state, is this: no matter how mad you are at people, or how much the world is plotting against you, or how lonely you feel, there is always someone out there who's thinking of you as their friend. Just remember how many people you think are fantastic and great to know and how many people you admire. There are probably just as many who think the same about you. There is always someone who loves you enough to take the piss and make a cd of shame for you. :lol:

And so ends my sugary rant. Take care of yourselves guys. You're all amazing.

LadyH x

(in next weeks episode more sarcasm, dashed hopes, and Dr Who rants I promise ;) )