I was asked this morning who my favourite Doctor was between Nine and Ten. To my complete suprise I didn't know the answer. I'd always assumed that I would pick Ten, mainly because he's hot and I'm shallow like that :D, but I'd never really thought about it properly.
When I did, I couldn't pick. I love DT's bouncy enthusiasm and 'timey-whimy' type moments and I also like his quiet determinism and his 'no second chances' mantra. However I find I'm still in love CE's Doctor too. I love his swagger, his deliberate-goofyness, his scowls and glares. I love how broken he his by the Time War and what he did. The fact that he mentions he didn't survive through choice intrigues me and makes me want to hug him and slap him at the same time.
On a shallow note there's also something attractive about Nine that I'd never consciously taken notice of before. Chris has an incredibly distinctive and intelligent face and very expressive eyes. I for one find that attractive.
So I can't even pick a side by reverting back to my LadyHarkness persona and being a tart.
So who's your favourite? Nine or Ten? Why'd you pick that one above the other? I'm curious to see if other people have these problems :)
I also find myself close to saying I can't decide which companion I prefer anymore. Rose was lovely but after Martha's performance in the recent double bill... well I just don't know anything about myself anymore!!!
In other TV news:
I've said it in QB's blog, I'm so glad Katie has backed out of The Apprentice as I thought she was an awful,vindictive excuse for a woman. Why do some women feel they have to emmulate men to be successful? We don't need to turn ourselves into cheating, lying, spouse stealing nasties to prove that we have as much worth as men.
I've managed to completely avoid watching BB8 and I'm very proud. I was listening to the radio in the shower last night and they were going on about something that had happened. I was comforted by the knowledge that I had absolutely no idea what they were talking about :D Only another 800 weeks of it to avoid.
Notice how I haven't mentioned anything about Utopia?? How good am I being? No squees, no shouting at the Doctor, nothing.
Six days to go til the 'hubby' returns btw :lol:
I'm taking my mum to a Simon Webbe concert tonight as she absolutely adores him and I'm nice like that ;). I hope he takes his shirt off. I really really do. :D
Oh and I've gone up to level 10. Which is nice. I'll get round to some subs one day and get to a decent level. One day.