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Little Bit of Continuity Edit for Matt (in blue)

Hello hello everyone. I am in a ridiculously good mood today, even after a disasterous shopping trip where I managed to purchase not one pair of shoes. Must be something in the air. I'm giddy too. Just a warning for the rest of this blog.

Before I answer all you lovely peoples 'question three' from the last blog I'd just like to say thanks for your replies to the Ianto question. I'm so incredibly glad that everyone agreed with me that Jack was just saying 'don't bloody go there'. Every one of my friends had a different interpretation and as far as I'm concerned now mine was right. So ner to them all. The peoples have spoken and so it is now canon. :) It was not jealousy, nor suprise, nor Ianto hiding his realtionship with Jack, nor any of the other silly things that they came up with.  HA! :lol:

Now onto the questions:

I have to put this little bit in because Matt being the little darling that he is ;) decided not to join in with everyone else and add a question after the last blog!!! He asked it in this one instead :D

So matt asked: What was your best memory from childhood? I've had to think about this loads, it's so difficult to pin something like that down, but I've (somehow) come up with one thing. We had a day out with family and school when I was around six and we went to this sort of farm and adventure play ground thing. It was massive. It was amazing, I'd never been anywhere that let you climb all over everything before! I went with my mum and grandad and best friend and just had the time of my life. I've already said I was a massive tomboy when I was little, so you know, climbing! and getting dirty!! and riding horses and feeding cows. What a day.

Oh and I just have to add a_spod I LOVE LOVE LOVE your avatar. Its a red bowl!! :lol:

Lin asked what book best sums up my life? I've been thinking about this all day and I cannot honestly come up with anything. I'd love to say Pride and Prejudice or Jane Eyre. Unfortunately my initial response of Rob Grant's Incompetence is closer to the truth. :D

France asked what is the one thing I do every day without fail? Hmmm, I think the only thing I consciously do every day is clean my nails, even when I'm on exercise. Which might sound very girly and prissy, probably is thinking about, but I really don't like my hands and this kinda makes me feel a little better about them. Also I don't think anything looks worse than women with dirty nails. Unless they're busy and doing stuff that means their nails have to get dirty obviously :) This one answer makes me feel like I'm being mean to my fellow femmes. 

Oh and of course you can come to Ibiza with me and my girlies France :D

Mysteryfox (ace name btw :) ) asked who is the person I'd most like to meet alive or dead? Now as tempted as I am to be obssessive and say John Barrowman I'm not going to, cos I've already kinda met him twice. So, seriously...hmmm I don't think I can decide between Elizabeth I, Winston Churchill and Oscar Wilde. I admire them all too much to pick a favourite.

Katzarr shouted at me for having a Backstreet Boys cd :oops: and asked what is my true colour? My god you people ask hard questions!! I'd like to think it was yellow but it's probably red.

QB is going to share naked JB on a doorstep with me :) and asked if I only had thrity minutes to live what would I do? Now I'd like to be all noble about this and do something worthy but what would be more likely is that I'd have a quickie, get rid of embarrassing items I didn't want my mum to find when she cleared out my stuff and then say bye, thanks and I love you to friends and family. :lol: maybe I'd listen to a couple of favoutire songs while I was 'en flagrante' just to jam in an extra pleasure. Oh dear. I'm going to hell.

Pennyrua just laughed at me :) which if I'm honest is totally understandable!

So my dear people there you have it. I will completely understand if you now want to disown me. Although I'll be a little miffed if I loose the 20 friends butterfly button thingy cos it's cute. Lin can't disown me though because we have too much in common now AND I gave her a medal. So she's stuck with me!

My question three to all of you was going to be something rude but I've decided to behave and ask; what are your favourite lines from a song? Doesn't have to be limited to just one set if you have a couple of faves. :)

Hope you're all ok by the way :D