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Longer Torchwood Trailer (now with added Squee)

Okay people so here we go, another Torchwood Trailer. This one seems to be an amalgamation of the UK and American ones with some other stuffs thrown in for fan-girl squeeing. Including Dom!Ianto, which I literally fell off my chair whenI saw; Crying!Jack, whereby I got a little teary too cos someone so good looking should not be crying man. It's not on.

Over on YouTube...

Lets play a game too, instead of just spazzing, howz about you gimme some of your plot predictions from the trailer clips, which bit goes where etc?? I've already got one for the "sat in the rain crying" clip in conjuction with the "being hugged by Jack 'I'm a monster' " clip.

Surely it's T-day soon????