I have brazenly stolen this little quiz thing and decided to inflict more or my self upon you good souls. Consider yourselves tagged by the way. Obviously not QB, as twas him I sole it from :)
Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery? Yeah, I was a little bit of a tom boy and the queen of dares in junior school. (Also, as I've just realised, I was plainly stupid.)
Ever made a prank phone call? Yeah. I am now embarassed about that though.
Last time you ate a homegrown tomato? The last batch from my grandad in the early autumn. Homegrown tomatoes are the best, they taste divine, not like the supermarket crap. Don't like tomato ketchup though. Eurgh.
Ever thrown up in public? I'd like to say no, but I'd be telling a massive lie.
Do you believe in love at first sight? Not at all. Lust at first sight yes. But love is delicate and takes a little more me thinks.
Did you have long hair as a child? Yep, I could sit on it. It's quite long again now actually.
Most embarrassing song in your mp3 player? Kenny Logins - Footloose but it makes me happy and giddy when I hear it so I'm not really all that ashamed :)
Do you trust people easily? I have a tendancy not to as a result of many relationship messes.
Have you ever been in a mosh pit? Yeah, used to go to an indie club on student night at college which played a half hour mosh set in the middle of the night. We just joined in. It's great fun once you get used to being punched :lol:
Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed? I sleep all over the bed baby ;)
Do you have a good luck charm? No, and I'd never realised that until I read this question!
First thought when your alarm goes off? oh god I gotta get up
Are your parents still together? Well yes. But then no. It's odd.
Which would you choose??? Cheese everytime. (I have no idea what this question is refering to)
Bungee jumping or sky diving? Sky diving, although I'd do bungee jumping if I had a partner to throw us off.
Chips or popcorn? Butter popcorn
Orange juice or apple juice? Apple first thing, orange for elevensies
Being a millionaire or finding true love? I've been well and truely screwed by true love so I'll try the millionaire thing for awhile please
Pepsi Or Coke? As long a they're a mixer for a Tia Maria I can't say I'm too picky
Chocolate Or Vanilla? Chocolate, unless its ice cream and then it's got to be vanilla
Day Or Night? Night, I don't function so good through the day
Hamburger Or Hot Dog? Hamburger - with cheese please
Hugs Or Kisses? Hugs
Pool or Hot tub? Pool
Saved by the Bell or California dreams? California Dreams
Hide and seek or Marco polo? Hide and Seek, what on earth is the other one about??
Can you dive without plugging your nose? yup, I can duck dive too, which is harder than it looks and makes your ears pop something rotten
Do you know all the words to the Fresh Prince Theme Song? I do, I really do
What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator? Depends who was in there with me ;)
Do you know which US states don't use Daylight Savings? QB says Indiana and he's a knowledgable guy so I'm going with him on this one
Do you know the words to "total eclipse of the heart"? Yes. That's a talent I didn't realise I had.
Are you an adult? Allegedly
Do you have a tan? At the moment yes but it's fading rapidly as I've been without the sun for a couple of days now :(
What are your plans for the weekend? Saturday will be hanging around in a bookstore in London oggling a beautiful man, sunday with be watching dr who and if it's nice going to a gorgeous little pub in the country with friends and generally lounging around in the park of a beer garden at the back.
Incase you can't tell I'm in a little bit of a giddy mood today. Sorry if any of the answers are a little random.