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Mike (Helostwin) was suspended!

In case you haven't noticed, Mike (Helowstin) was suspended for a few days. He messaged me on myspace and asked me to let everyone know that he will be back. I've been out of town for a few days and didn't get his message till today. But he said that he should be back sometime tomorrow. Just letting everyone know.

Haven't Been In The Greatest Mood Lately

I have not been in the greatest mood for the past few days. I've just been going through a lot of hard times. I just ended a friendship with someone because she was going around and calling me a bum because I don't have a job, and she thinks she's so cool because she works at Walmart. Well, no offense to anyone who does work at Walmart, but it's not the best job. From what I've heard, the managers can be mean sometimes, and the hours there suck. I've been looking for a job, but no one seems to want to hire me. At least I'm'd be different if I was just sitting at home all the time and not looking for a job.

I've also been having problems with another friend. We found out that we like the same guy, and my friend told my sister that she's afraid I'm gonna try to steal the guy from her. Well, first of all, he's not dating either of us, so it's not possible for me to steal him away from her. Secondly, I do like him...a lot, but each time a friend and I like the same guy, it turns into a big competition. And I never win. So I just feel like why bother trying if I know I'll never win?

Finally, yesterday was the anniversary of my dad's death. It's been 12 years since the accident. I just didn't feel like doing anything. I couldn't do anything because no matter what I did, I just couldn't bring myself to be happy. It's just hard for me to believe that it's been 12 years already. It's hard to go through that. I just hate June 28. It's the worst day of the year for me. It just goes by so slow and I always want it to go by fast, so a new day can start. It's the one day out of the year that I dread the most.


I'm finally done with high school. It's an amazing feeling. I just can't believe it.

Graduation went really well. I had been getting so stressed a few hours before and was beginning to feel like I didn't want to go to it. But I'm glad I went. We had two valedictorians this year, and one of them just so happens to be a good friend of mine. Right at the end, when one of the valedictorian's said, "We have finally graduated", he threw his cap up and the rest of the c.l.a.s.s. did as well, and then we all silly-stringed each other. It was a blast.

One thing that had been bothering me during almost the entire ceremony was the fact that my father wasn't there. I had a picture of him in my pocket and as the ceremony was going on, I had pulled it out and held onto it until it was time for me to go on stage to receive my diploma. My grandma had even told me that she was extremely upset because he wasn't there. I found out later on that my aunt had begun crying at the graduation because of that reason. But after the ceremony was over, I went to celebrate at my dad's favorite place, which is the bar that my grandparents own. My sister and a friend of mine went there and my grandma said that we could order any food that we wanted at no charge. She said we could celebrate. It was awesome.

Then I met up with another friend of mine and we did a little shopping. I walked into Wal-mart with my cap on. Hey, I had just graduated from high school and I didn't want to take my cap off. I was celebrating lol. I had bought two energy drinks that night and then didn't go to bed till like 4 or 5 in the morning cuz I was bouncing off the walls haha.

But high school is over. Now college is about to arrive...

I'm Graduating From High School Today!!

Today is the day!! I finally graduate!! I'm so excited but I'm also really nervous. I'm wearing these really high shoes and I just don't wanna fall. I had my graduation party on Friday and it was a big success. I had a great time. I got to see a bunch of people that I haven't seen in a long time. It was great. But today is when I finally get that diploma. I can't wait. Later on tonight, my friend Alicia and I are gonna hang out ALL night just to celebrate. I'm a little upset because my aunt's boyfriend Tony won't be at the graduation because he has to work, but I'm gonna go and see him after the graduation is over. I also wish my dad was gonna be there, but I know he'll be there in spirit. It's finally here!! I can't believe it!!

Fly Away

Just a little something that I wrote called "Fly Away."

It's been four long years; the time has finally come
Now I'm looking back at everything that I've done
I've worked so hard and I did as well as I could
I made it to the end just like I knew I would

Now it's time for me to realize
The future has finally arrived

I'm going to fly away
Into the open sky
I'm going to find my way
To make it through this life

I'll be back someday
But it may just take some time
I will be okay
Everything will be all right

It's time for me to grow up and do my best to move on
I do not want to leave because I'll miss it when it's gone
If I don't leave right now, I'll be here forever
If I'm going to move on, then it is now or never

Now it's time for me to realize
The future has finally arrived

I'm going to fly away
Into the open sky
I'm going to find my way
To make it through this life

I'll be back someday
But it may just take some time
I will be okay
Everything will be all right

There are so many memories that I won't forget
There are so many moments that I won't regret
There are so many hurtful words that I wish were not said
I'm going to put the past behind me and look straight ahead

I'm going to fly away
I'm going to find my way
I'll be back someday
I will be okay

I'm going to fly away
Into the open sky
I'm going to find my way
To make it through this life

I'll be back someday
But it may just take some time
I will be okay
Everything will be all right

But there is one thing that you should know
It will be the same no matter where I go
If it feels like you're about to drop a tear
Please remember, I will always be here

2 Months!

Wow, it's been two months since the last time I posted a blog. Honestly, nothing much has happened. I've been stressing out over graduation and prom and all senior things. We got out caps, gowns and graduation announcements on Friday, and the my graduation announcements had my last name spelled wrong. So we had to call the company who made them and they said that they would make new ones and send them in the mail in about two weeks. I sent my c.l.a.s.s. ring in to get fixed and I won't get that back for about three weeks, which is really sad.

I'm going out of town on Wednesday to go shopping for my prom dress. I've been looking around my town lately and haven't been able to find anything. A lot of dresses are for people who are like toothpicks, and I'm not a toothpick. I went to this once place where I found a dress that I really liked but the lady there was rude to me and I thought to myself, "Lady, you're not getting my business." So I'm going somewhere else to look for a dress.

I have about 20 days left of high school. I'm going to the Great America by Chicago in a few weeks with my Physics c.l.a.s.s. So that's gonna be fun. We're going for two days and won't be back until like 3 in the morning the day of prom. So I'm gonna be stressed those few days. But I'm really excited for Great America. I'm dragging my friends on every roller coaster I can get them on haha.

I'm on spring break right now. So I'm really happy about that. I don't go back to school till the Tuesday after Easter. I'm spending my vacation relaxing because I really need it.

On my tv shows, Supernatural has been AWESOME!!!!! Thursday's episode has been my favorite of the season so far. I'm really excited for the next episode, but I can't wait till the 23rd. That's too far away!! The Beast has been really good. A lot of people say that the show isn't what they expected it to be. But I like it a lot. I can't wait for the episode this week. Numb3rs has been good. I was really mad that NCAA basketball got in the way for a few weeks. I just can't wait for the new episode on Friday. And finally, it's April, which means the return of Prison Break. There's only gonna be a few episodes left, but I can't wait. I read somewhere that the 4th season comes out on DVD June 2nd but I'm not sure if it's true. I sure hope it is, tho!! I can't wait for the 17th! I finally get to know what happens!

Does anybody remember the show Brotherly Love? It stars Joey Lawrence, Matt Lawrence, and Andy Lawrence. I've been watching the episodes from that show, and it's just as good as I remember when I used to watch it as a kid. So I've been downloading episodes and putting them on DVDs because you can't buy the show anywhere. If they ever do come out on DVD, I'll buy the seasons in a heart beat because I love this show sooooo much!!

She Had No Right To Say That!!!

I've had a rough week. This is gonna be a LONG blog so if you want to stop reading, you should do it right now.

I'm on the yearbook staff at school. We create the pages on photoshop. I warned the teacher at the beginning of the year that I'm kind of slow using photoshop and she said that it's fine, to just work at my own pace and try to get my pages done for the deadlines. I said fine, I can do that. Well, I originally had the faculty page to work on, and I was assigned that in October. Then the day we get out for Christmas break, the teacher assigned me the JV boys basketball page. The JV page's deadline was yesterday, and the faculty page's deadline isn't till March. So I decided to take a break on the faculty page and work on the JV page since that deadline is first.

Then the teacher pulled me out of last Friday to talk to me about my grade. She gave me a D- for the second marking period. We were sitting out in the hall and she told me that she gave me that grade because I haven't turned in a page yet. She asked me what was going on. I told her that I was working on the JV page first because that deadline was first. She told me that she wanted the faculy page first, regardless if that deadline is after the other deadline. So I was confused after awhile. Then we didn't have school the Wednesday before this talk occured because there was a teacher inservice and she asked me why I didn't come to school then to work on my page. She never told me to come to school that day to work on the pages. I told her, "I have a single parent who works. I have to ride to the school." Then she asked me why I couldn't have a friend bring me. I told her that all my friends pretty much live 20-30 minutes away or they don't have their licenses yet.

Here's the kicker. We were quiet for a minute or two and then she asked me, "So you live with your mom?" And I was like, "Yeah." And then she was like, "So what? Your father walked out on you and was never in your life?" I was like, "No, he passed away when I was six and I don't want to talk about it." Then she got on the subject about how she's going through a divorce right now and it's a hard time for her as well, and she kind of knows what I'm going through. She has no idea what I'm going through. For one thing, she had no right to say what she said to me. She made me cry in the hallway! I was crying when she told me why she gave me the grade that she did and then I started crying even more when she asked me about my dad. It's none of her business. She doesn't have to know about my personal life and what goes on in my family. After we were done talking, I went in the bathroom and cried for like 20 minutes.

After school, I told my sister about what happened, and she was mad as hell. She still is. Then on Sunday, I was on facebook, and I was telling one of my friends about what happened. Little did I know the person that works with the guidance counselor had read what I told my friend. She was really upset when she heard about what happened. She told me on facebook that if I ever needed a break that I could just go into her office and hang out there for the hour.

Then on Monday and Tuesday of this week, we had 2 hour delayed starts on both days. I don't have a ride to school on delayed starts so I stayed home those days. Well, on Tuesday, the person that works with the guidance counselor called the house looking for me. My sister answered the phone and told her that I wasn't home, but I was really still sleeping. So then on Wednesday when it was time for me to go to Yearbook I went to the guidance office and asked the person that works with the counselor if I could stay there for the hour. She said it was fine. My next was Physics and when I was there, my Yearbook teacher came into the room and asked me why I wasn't in I told her that I was in the guidance office. She asked me why, and I told her it was none of her business. She just walked out of the room then.

Before I went home on Wednesday I went into the guidance office again, and asked the person that works with the counselor if I could stay in there during Yearbook for the rest of the week. She said that was fine but I would have to go back to eventually. I told her that I wanted to talk to the counselor about this whole thing, and the counselor wasn't coming to school till Friday because she was getting ready for some testing that she has to do in a month. She said that it was fine and that I could stay there for the rest of the week. She also told me that she was really upset when she read what I had wrote on facebook. She told me that she wanted to get me out of that She doesn't want me to feel like I'm being tortured.

So then yesterday, I talked to the counselor about what happened. She was really shocked that a teacher would actually say that to a student. She understood where I was coming from and she also wanted to get me out of that So now instead of yearbook, I'm gonna be in Art. Well, hopefully. I don't know yet. I find out on Monday if I can get in that or not. But I'm pretty sure I can.

Then yesterday after school, I went to the bar that my grandparents own to hang out with them and my aunt Gina, her boyfriend Tony, my uncle Jaime, my aunt Amy, my sister and her friend Brittany. I relayed the story about three different times separately to them all, and they think that I should talk to the principal about this. They're really really upset about it. Not only am I gonna talk to the principal about this but I'm also gonna do something else. If you want to know what that something else is, you can pm me and ask me what it is. I won't say it on here.

Now the next thing that I'm gonna say has nothing to do with what happened at school.

My sister and Brittany went to a concert last night on the college campus that I live close to. It got over at midnight and I went to pick them up. Then we went to Walmart. After leaving Walmart and pulling back on the road, there was this truck that was right on my butt behind me. If I had tapped the brakes just a little bit, it would've hit me. Then I did something that I know I probably shouldn't have done. I opened my window and flipped them the bird. The dude driving got mad and guess what he did. He passed me...over a double yellow line in the middle of town!!! There were cars coming from the other direction and he would've hit them if he wasn't speeding to get in front of me. Then the passenger flipped me off. When they got in front of me, I layed on the horn. I layed on it about three times. Then we come to a stop sign, and when it was their turn to go they wouldn't go. They then squealed the tires and tried to kick up mud and dirt that would hit the front of my car. Well, it didn't work out for them. I opened the window then, stuck my head out and yelled "F*** you!!!" That made them really mad. After turning to go in one direction, they pulled a U turn in the middle of the road and started following me. Well, I cut off on a side road and they tried to follow me but that didn't work. We were by the elementary school then and I cut down the bus lane to catch up with them so I could yell at them again. When they went by I yelled at them out my window again. Then the driver slammed on the brakes in the middle of the road. I pulled out of the bus lane and when the other way than they were pointing. And the driver then put the truck in reverse and tried chasing me backward!!! I wasn't going very fast then and he almost hit me doing that idiotic move. But then I went faster and got away from them.

Our adrenaline was pumping and I had a hard time sitting still. My legs were shaking and I had a hard time keeping my foot on the accelerator. We then went for a ride through town and we were going past a gas station when we saw a truck that looked just like the one that was chasing us. So I pulled a U turn in a parking lot and went back to that gas station. They people were inside and so we parked and looked at the truck. There was a sticker that said "Sounds and Motion" on the tailgate of the truck. That was the exact truck that was chasing us. So we quickly wrote down the license plate number and then took off. But they saw us when we were pulling out. But they didn't do anything but stare.

I dropped my sister and Brittany off at the house that Brittany was staying at. She was dog sitting so she's there for the weekend. Then I went home. They called the cops and told them about what happened. My sister then called me after the cops left and said that the truck belonged to someone that the cops have been dealing with for awhile. They said that they were gonna take care of it.

So there's my rough week. Told you it was gonna be a LONG blog lol.

R.I.P. Kim Manners

For those of you who haven't heard the sad news yet, Supernatural executive producer and director Kim Manners died Sunday evening following a battle with cancer. The following came from an article from

Supernatural executive producer and director Kim Manners died Sunday night in Los Angeles, following a battle with cancer.

"Everyone at Supernatural is walking around in a daze, shocked and absolutely devastated," series creator Eric Kripke says in a statement. "Kim was a brilliant director; more than that, he was a mentor and friend. He was one of the patriarchs of the family, and we miss him desperately. He gave so much to Supernatural, and everything we do on the show, now and forever, is in memory of him."

Likewise, cast member Jim Beaver remembers Manners as "one of the best friends and best directors" he has ever known.

In addition to his work on the CW show, Manners produced and directed The X-Files (where he was part of a four-time Emmy-nominated directing staff) and directed episodes of series such as 21 Jump Street, Simon & Simo and Charlie's Angels.

On Supernatural, Manners most recently directed this season's premiere, "Lazarus Rising," as well as "Metamorphosis."

I don't know about you, but I'm really upset. I love Kim Manners work. This whole thing is really sad. He's definitely gonna be extremely missed by his family, friends, and all the Supernatural fans.


Jensen Ackles, Kim Manners, and Jared Padalecki on the set of Supernatural.

Happy Birthday, Dean Winchester!

Today is the Supernatural character Dean Winchester's birthday. Yeah, it's kind of weird wishing a character a happy birthday, but I'm doing it lol.:P So happy birthday to him. It's also Supernatural creator Eric Kripke's wife's birthday today. So happy birthday to her as well.

I'm in a little pain right now, because I was coming home from shopping and I was walking up the steps to get into my house and I slipped. We have a storm right now and it's very icy. So I slipped and hurt the ankle that I sprained about a year and a half ago. So it hurts right now:(

I Have An Eye Infection!

Yep. Everyone thought it was pink eye but it's an infection. I went to the ER this morning and got it checked out. I can't wear my contacts for a week, which is gonna make me really miserable because this week at school is exam week and I can't see without my contacts. And I'm not staying home and missing exams. So I guess I'm gonna have to suffer. Not only do I have an infection but I've been sick since last Saturday. I had to stay home from school last Monday because it was so bad. So I have an eye infection, a runny nose, a stuffy nose, and an ear ache. So that's what's going on in my world right now. Hopefully I feel better soon.