Hey, everyone! I'm in school and I thought it was time for me to post another blog.
About a week ago, my friends made a video, and we were talking about the Jonas Brothers, and one of my friends said that she hated the Jonas Brothers. Well, she posted the video on youtube, and she got a comment back from someone, and they said that my friend shouldn't be saying that she hates the Jonas Brothers and stuff like that. The person said that she knows the Jonas Brothers and they sent the comment to them and they know everything that my friend said and all that. I saw the comment and I said to that person that my friend is allowed to have her own opinions and she can say them if she wants. If that person didn't like the video, then they shouldn't have watched it. I know that there are people who have the same opinions as her, and it doesn't bother me that my friend doesn't like them. I don't like some of the things that she likes, and she doesn't like some the things that I like. No matter what either of us like, we support each other. That's what friendship is about.
What do you guys think of this? Do you think that person had the right to post a comment like that? Not only didthat person say that, but they also called my friend fat and told her to go on a diet. That really made me mad. Please let me know what you think of this.
Also, I found out that I didn't have pink eye. At least I don't think I had pink eye. Almost a day after I posted my last blog my eye started to clear up, and it felt a lot better!:)