Well, today we had my little birthday party. My birthday really isn't till tomorrow, but today was really the only day we could have the party. Me, Alicia, Sarah, and David went to the hockey game but Michigan Tech lost 5-2. But that's ok. The game was pretty cool anyway.
Before the gameAlicia came over to my house right after school and we decided to decorate the kitchen. It took us like 2 hours to get only a few things made and up on the walls. It was still fun though.
Sarah didn't come over till about 5. Then my mom came home and brought pizzas and chips. After we finished eating, I got toopen the gift that my mom tortured me with. It's awesome! I got the first Jonas Brothers CD. My mom had her friend look everywhere on ebay for it, and she finally found a good one from Quebec, Canada. The scary thing is that my mom paid $50 for it plus $6 for shipping. So I'm gonna take really good care of that CD.
Well, that's all for now. I'm sure I'll be getting some more gifts tomorrow, and I'll let you all know what they are either tomorrow or on Sunday. Talk to you later!:)