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If I Wrote MGS5... (Pt. 2)


So what steps can Kojima take to keep the series fresh, to keep fans coming back to Metal Gear? And which steps will he take, given the many choices he has to make?

The first thing Kojima has to do is deal with the word "Solid". You may have noticed I've left it out of the series' name so far. The point I want to make is this: the Metal Gear Solid story arc, which began on Shadow Moses Island and ended in Arlington National Cemetery, should be put to rest. This may not seem that controversial, and I'm certainly not the firts person to suggest it. But I think it is crucial that this happen.

The series got off to a great start with a game that encapsulated and updated everything that made classic games great. But in terms of storytelling Metal Gear Solid was a success because it told a simple, very straight-forward story that had tangible stakes. Snake had a simple mission: get in the base, stop the terrorists. The story surrounding that very game-y objective worked because it molded itself to the game. But in each successive chapter the growing mythology came to swallow the player's role.

The proof is in the pudding: a playthrough of MGS reveals a game where the long cutscenes can be skipped altogether without sacrificing the continuity of the immediate storyline; a game that can essentially just be played. Compare this to MGS2's or MGS4's stories, where skipping all the cutscenes leaves you with a confusing mess. MGS3 was a welcome return to a satisfying mission/story compromise. As a result, despite its weirdness and apparent triviality, it has become a fan favorite.

It doesn't mean that the story is unsalvageable. But Kojima should just start fresh with a central character and different setting. It doesn't mean we have to forget Snake, Otacon, and the rest of the cast. But since we love them, let's let them actually have a legacy, one that at this point we can say we respect, huh?

The second thing Kojima has to do is deal with the words "Metal Gear". Oh, poor Metal Gear. Once, even a single prototype threatened to destabilize global politics and send the world into chaos. Now, you don't even make an appearance in the games bearing your name. Rex was formidable, but Kojima seemed to take Liquid's comment that Metal Gear alone would not save Mother Russia to mean that Metal Gear should be sidelined. The anticipated Ray became nothing more than one of many boogeymen to guard a Metal Gear that crashes into urban centers, and the Shagohod was decent placeholder, but not quite the same. As for MGS4, if you want to count the fact that the A.I. that Snake destroys is the new Metal Gear, go ahead. I won't join you.

So what Kojima needs to do is rethink Metal Gear itself. What kind of threat makes sense today? Whatever you answered, eliminate anything resembling a "super-virus" because that's just not cool. There's no shortage of war in the world, so let's keep the ideas grounded, okay?

But that's all big-picture stuff. What about the actual story? What should happen in MGS5?

Like I said before, forget Snake as the protagonist. But there's no reason he can't be involved. In fact, I'd really like to see Kojima make the most of the character's "retirement" and show some real growth. Up until now, Snake's been learning a lot of lessons. Now I'd like to see him as a wiser person, having synthesized those lesson and learning instead to pass them along. To whom?

Hopefully, to the series' first female protagonist. I know, it's a trend that could be risky to follow. But I think the series is overdue. Not to call MGS mysoginistic per se, but the cast of female charcaters is short of grounded, relatable members. Strong ones, sure, but except for Meryl no one you can both respect and root for, for the most part.

But what does Kojima himself say about the future of Metal Gear? Very little definite, as usual , but in his sporadic cryptic messages he reveals a little a bout his method. Here's what we know:

Kojima's been working on a new engine, dubbed the Fox Engine. He's told very little about that as well, but it is widely assumed it was built to run MGS5. As for what that is, Kojima has only hinted that it will be very different, possibly with an MMO bent. He certainly seems to have some interest in taking Metal Gear increasingly online. But given the limited success of past online ventures and Kojima's penchant for maintaining control and breaking the fourth wall, I think it's unlikely he will completely abandon a narrative. Instead, I'm more interested in his comments about no longer developing games with exclusivity in mind, as this could affect what kind of games he has in mind.

So, what would I do if I had contol of Metal Gear Solid 5? Check the next post to see!