its summer yeah. i have tons of time yeah. probably too much. but heres what i try to balance:
an ebay account, where i go through insane bidding battles to win items.
a torn city account, where i trade stocks, bid on items (yes, again) and am a CEO of a company, meaning i must keep items in stock, prices in check, try hard to make profit, and search for employees.
a flick account. i upload near 100 images each month, and to add titels, tags, and description to them all is overwhelming.
My friends recently convinced me to get a facebook; i now do pointless things there too.
but most of all... i have a youtube EMPIRE. im off for 12 hours, and ive recived 30 mails from youtube alone. i LOVE making videos, and have posted 130 in a little over a year. i have fans, and watch tons of videos. happy?
also, of course, i have to play through these games, and write the review XD. it will be harder when im no longer doing atari ones.