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New name for the Xbox One: it should now be called the Xbox 180

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New name for the Xbox One: it should now be called the Xbox 180

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"AFTER a one-time system set-up with a new Xbox One, you can play any disc-based game without ever connecting online AGAIN."

Something to remember: you will need to connect online at least once before you can play.

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Edited By lanista

I mostly prefer consoles to the PC, but what I do have are all legitimate purchases. However I'd make the following comments based on what I've observed. 1. Many people who make or take a pirate copy would NEVER purchase the original anyway. They only do it because it's either free or cheap. Otherwise they would go with something else. That means DRM will NEVER add to the profits of the publishers/developers. 2. The remaining people who use pirate copies are the sort who will never pay for an original no matter how cheap it is. Those people will always acquire a pirate copy and some of them will be the pirates themselves. Again, DRM will NEVER add to the profits of the publishers/developers in this case. 3. People hate DRM, particularly honest people who have bought a legitimate copy only to find they are treated as a thief by default, and are angered by the hassle of DRM especially as they've paid top dollar for the game and don't want such hassle as part of the experience. DRM might actually SUBTRACT from the profits of the game if honest people end up turning to pirate copies just so they don't have the hassle of DRM. In this case DRM does more harm and backfires on the original intention. 4. If publishers/developers really want to generate more money, they will have to find a way of lowering the price of the game. Maybe getting rid of DRM will help, so instead of using DRM which puts the cost up, they could trim the price instead. They also need to have the game available in a bargain form at some point after the game is released, like the platinum or classic versions of console games. That way, people who can't pay top dollar when it first hits the stores, know they will get the opportunity and will more easily be able to afford it later down the line. That should go a long way to solve group #1 above. If #4 helps then to tackle #3 you need to drop DRM. Group #2 is unsolvable so again what is the point, you may as well drop DRM. Oh and for Group #2, and any in Group #1 who still don't buy the original, if the game is good, then some good may still turn out for the pubs/devs - they will get FREE marketing / publicity with "word of mouth" recommendation that their game is good. Some of the people who hear and who are against piracy could actually go out and buy the original if the price point is what they can afford. Some good could result from the bad, and not having DRM may actually have some profitable value, especially to start-up pubs/devs. Conversely pubs/devs who persist in annoying Group #3 actually get negative marketing / publicity. Is DRM worth that cost?

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Edited By lanista

@LittleJon2000 'Yes both are good, but Sony needs to be held accountable for their over-inflated claims before the machine's release. We were told that the PS3 was "much more powerful" than the 360. Now it turns out this is just not true.' I agree. We're asked why the console is more expensive and we're told it's because it's got heavy duty tech that is way above the X360. @money117 "I dunno why people are going to war with video game consoles. i think that it depends on personal desire and preferences. If you want an all-rounder with everything under the hood go 4 ps3. If you want something that does the basic but to near perfection, get the 360. if you want the real next gen gaming go for the Wii. all of the consoles are excellent!" I also agree with this So in summary I'd suggest - if you want both a console AND a BluRay player, then go for PS3 - otherwise if you're just a gamer then save some money and buy a X360 and/or a Wii - X360 for hi-def and it's wide range of games - Wii for an innovative gameplay experience and the Nintendo range of games My 2p anyway

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Edited By lanista

Yeah, this is a cracking game, a defining moment, and definitely worthy of recognition