lanzajr's forum posts
I'm not the only one, it must be pretty damn easy. Hell, if you can convert music/videos in iTunes, then there's no reason why you can't do the same with a PSP. Again, if you can't figure out that all you have to do is transfer the files over after they're transcoded, which PSPVideo9 does for you, then you're already a lost cause. What it boils down to is you and a modicum of other users are upset because Sony didn't provide you with free software and hold your hand through the entire process. You actually had to work (a whole 2 minutes worth of downloading/installing of PSPVideo9 mind you) to get what you wanted. You want a free app that streamlines the process? PSPVideo9 is it. If you can't figure out how to work it, that's your problem. But don't blame Sony because you expect them to provide you with everything or, more properly, that they're charging you for it. Ardrid
Uh, did you have to go out and find a 3rd party program to put videos onto an iPod? No, because Apple provided you with the tools to use their products. Sony is lazy, and frankly if they wanted it to be easy and straightforward to put your own media on a PSP they'd have done it from the start.
Didn't you stop for two seconds to think just why that is? Maybe, just maybe, if they made it super easy for people to transcode and copy movies to a media stick then people would have no reason to buy movies on UMD? Sony is the business of making money, and in order to make more money they need people to buy movies for their "media machine" on their proprietary media, i.e. UMD, rather than let people rip the movies they already have at the one-time cost of a Mediastick. If you think for one minute that Sony didn't put out the free tools just because they knew PSP users would be smart enough to figure it out you're sadly mistaken. So yes, Sony is to blame, not only for marketing the PSP as a media machine but also for purposely making it difficult to you to play/share/stream media that isn't purchased from them.
Gotta say I agree with most of your points Bgrngod. The media capabilities are there but only if you follow Sony's cryptic file and directory structure. I'm sure it'll change eventually unless Sonly really enjoys having their asses kicked by the iPod. I have to wonder why the UMD exists at all, when it's much faster and cheaper to put games onto memory sticks, not to mention it's easier on the batteries.
As for video encoding, does anyone prefer AVC over SP? I have played with both in PSPVideo9 and haven't noticed any large differences between them.
Okay, 2 things here, There are too many of these threads, just use a search function. One more thing THIS GUY DOES NOT CARE ABOUT PRICE I HAVE NOT SEEN A SINGLE THING THAT HE SAID REGARDING PRICE, SO HE JUST WANTS THE GOOD GAMESnevereathim
Also wondering what other games besides daxter and lumines are $19.99SniperSaito
Yay for reading comprehension.
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