Here's a couple of the replays from Super Smash Bros. Brawl Saturday last week. You can only save matches that last less than 3 minutes in length, so I didn't really have much of a pick, and out of the four I did get these were the best I had.
Somehow, I lost the audio in the capture process, so I just substituted some of the unlockable songs from Brawl in, and I think they work just fine. Unfortunately, replays don't show the names of the other people playing, so I have no idea who's who.
Lucas Goes to Shadow Moses Island
Here, I'm playing Lucas. This was an items on default, 2 minute free-for-all match. Victory is mine! A couple highlights are Meta Knight smashing against the screen at the very end and me acting like a jackass that really, really wants to throw someone at 1:16 for some reason.
Ike's Final Countdown
I play the blue Ike, and I don't fight for my friends hard enough because Tripple D wrecks me at the end. Oh well. Ike's got some terrible game under his belt anyway.