Good to see you again! I know you've had a rough year, but it's good to be back in familiar waters, isn't it?
Enough of that. Conversing with personified non-entities isn't something anyone should do very often. Ok, you shouldn't do it ever. That said, it's that time of the year again for games, and while we've all actually been working on it for the last few months, I'm proud to unveil GameSpot's home for E3 2008.
Right now, it's full of some of the biggest stories that have cropped up in the last several gamers' day events, but I encourage you to keep your eyes on it over the next couple weeks to watch it change and evolve as more preshow coverage crops up and it gets closer to go time. As always, we'll be providing you with the very best in live coverage of the big three press conferences, and we also have a great many special guests, awesome games, and cool surprises for you in our live show, which will span a full three days.
As someone who knows the terrible secret of space, it's tough not to just blurt out all the details. Of course, that hasn't stopped the occasional behind the scenes sneak peak. As I've heard Ryan MacDonald say around the office over and over again, this year will be our best E3 yet, and I believe him.
So keep an eye on our E3 site, hang out and chat about what you're looking forward to in the forum, and get ready for what we do best!
P.S.: If you want to check out last year's coverage, it's easy to find right here! And the year before is here!