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My Top 5 Games of 2010 (So Far) UPDATE

Now, first off, let me just say that this is in no way reflective of how my 2010 Game of the Year can and will play out. There's still a ton of games to be played in 2010, some GotY caliber, but I still think it's good to see how all of the games that have come out thusfar stack up against each other. Nevertheless, here we go.

5. Pokemon SoulSilver/Heartgold

A remake of, quite possibly, the two greatest Pokemon games ever released, SoulSilver and Heartgold look better than ever on the DS. The gameplay remains unchanged for the most part, but it never really needed fixing in the first place. Adding the new PokeWalker accessory allows for even more ways to level up your Pokemon without the hassle of bringing your DS ever, and makes for a fast, fun way to play Pokemon on the go. Needless to say, I find myself getting sucked into the world of Johto all over again.

4. Final Fantasy XIII

This originally was going to be higher on the list, but the story has been very hit and miss with me so far. At times it's very dramatic and moving. At other times, it just seems to drag on for ages. It's still a Game of the Year contender in my eyes, but the ending is going to play a huge role in deciding that (don't spoil it! I'm almost done!). The visuals are gorgeous, and the battle system is arguably the best they've ever used. The cast of characters is one of the most fleshed out, and memorable that I've seen in a Final Fantasy game, and though I have my complaints about the story, the structure of the narrative is great. I'm still hoping this game can deliver!

3. God of War III

This is the only real major change. The game was great. I loved the combat, and the visuals are nothing short of amazing. The sense of scale has never been better, and some of the boss fights are just jaw-dropping. That being said, I was very disappointed with the ending. Not really how it ended, but just the fact that they tried to explain a vast amount of stuff in an extremely small amount of time. First, I killed Zeus, then a series of two or three events occur (I'll refrain from spoiling here), and by the end of it all, it'll leave you scratching your head wondering "What the hell just happened?" Great game. Disappointing story.

2. Heavy Rain

If you can make it past the myriad of technical hitches (sound cutting out, God-awful load times, loss of video, awkward controls, etc.) this is one of the most memorable games I've played in years. The narrative is untouched by any other game, and it truly gives you complete control over how you want the story to play out (also allowing for tons of replayability). Despite the awkward walking controls, the rest of the control scheme functions really well and is very responsive. Gorgeous character models, a likeable cast of characters, and one of the biggest twists in a video game's story round out a very well done game. It makes me wonder what one last coat of polish could have done to make this game truly extraordinary though.

1. Mass Effect 2

To be 100% honest, this is probably the frontrunner for my 2010 Game of the Year (once again...the year's not over, and a final decision obviously hasn't been made). It improved on pretty much every single flaw with the first one (my 2007 Game of the Year if you recall), and maintained what made the first one great. Gorgeous visuals, a stable frame rate, a wide variety of playing styles, a strong cast of characters (who are also well voiced), and sharp gameplay all make Mass Effect 2 an extraordinary game. It walks a fine line between being a third person shooter and an RPG, but it does it perfectly and makes it a fun, accessible game for shooter and RPG lovers alike.

Bayonetta: A Brief Review

Since I only rented this game (thankfully), I'll just post a few comments about this game (which for some odd reason is getting absolutely marvelous reviews).

To be frank, I tried to like Bayonetta like everyone else. The combat is one of the best around, and it brings back memories of playing Devil May Cry on the PS2. Graphically, Bayonetta doesn't fail to impress either. The scenery is both detailed and gorgeous at times, and the character models look great. So what we have here is the basis for a great action/adventure game.

However, if you even try to pay attention to the story, it all starts going downhill. Nothing makes any sense, and I feel like nothing I do has any major purpose except that the developers thought it would look cool. Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for a game having over the top action and some style, but at least give me a relatively coherent story to follow. Now, to be completely honest, I didn't complete the story mode, so I don't know for sure if the story got better towards the end. What I do know is that I wasn't motivated at all to play through it.

And don't even get me started on the sound. A simple idea would be to just play the whole game on mute or skip the cutscenes. The dialogue is terrible, and reeks of video game stereotypes and cliches. And the music...well let's just say that unless you don't mind listening to one of three annoying Japanese Pop songs at every major fight, you'll probably end up with a headache like I did (in all fairness, I can tolerate J-Pop, but it's the repetition of the same three songs that really kill it).

In short, I enjoyed the game (therefore, I gave it a 7.5), and by "game", I mean the gameplay. Bayonetta is both fun to play and watch. As for everything else, it'll just leave you with a bad taste in your mouth.

Q1 2010: My Most Anticipated Games

Well, we find ourselves in an interesting and uncommon position. We, as gamers, face a bevy of AAA releases within the first three months of the young year. Here's a short list of those that I'm most excited for, and a small list of those that I'm not excited for either.

Most Anticipated

4. Heavy Rain

I absolutely loved Indigo Prophecy, and the same cinematic, story-based gameplay is back in Heavy Rain. Only this time, your virtual story can take any number of twists and turns along the way. Characters can die at any moment, and your choices have a drastic impact on the world around you, leading to tons of replayability. Pretty much, this game looks phenomenal.

3. Final Fantasy XIII

It's Final Fantasy on next-gen consoles, and it looks great. Striking what seems to be the famous balance between past and futuristic (a la FFVII and FFX), the story doesn't look like it will disappoint. The return to a more turn-based style of gameplay has me excited as well. I, for one, am getting it on PS3, because playing Final Fantasy on anything not Sony feels like a crime.

2. Mass Effect 2

The follow-up to my 2007 Game of the Year hits later this month, and it looks to be just as good as the original. The phenomenal graphics look even better, and with new additions to the gameplay and what appears to be an intriguing story, this looks like an early Game of the Year candidate.

1. God of War III

The more and more I think about this game, the more excited I get about it. The thrilling conclusion to what has been nothing short of a mindblowing trilogy, God of War III makes the franchise's first appearance on a next generation console. And what possibly could be better than litterally tearing enemies apart IN HD? Not much, I guarantee you.

"Could Care Less"

4. Bioshock 2

The first Bioshock set standards for video game storytelling, and I constantly use it as an example of how video games are no longer only about mindless shooting and violence. The underwater city of Rapture to this day is one of the most atmospheric and well-developed settings in any game. When Bioshock 2 was first announced, I was hesitant at first, but still a bit optimistic about what new twists lied in the city of Rapture. However, a new developer took control of the game (still 2K Games, but a different team), and as details surfaced about what looks to be a lackluster story as well as what appears to be a tacked-on online multiplayer, I've become more and more skeptical.

3. Army of Two: The 40th Day

While the first Army of Two game had its share of flaws, I still found it pretty enjoying. I was fairly excited for the sequel determined that it would improve on a solid basis. However, upon playing the demo, I'm fairly convinced that there are no major additions made to the original formula.

2. Gran Turismo 5

Well, technically, it hasn't been determined whether or not this game will even be out THIS year, let alone early 2010. However, I'm convinced that this game won't live up to the hype. With games like Forza and even Need for Speed offering comprable (or even better) racing simulation experiences and features, Gran Turismo is not the undisputed king of the racing genre like it once was. With no major additions to the gameplay (even though the graphics do look phenomenal), Gran Turismo 5 doesn't look as though it will convince me otherwise.

1. MAG

Upon first hearing about MAG, I was excited. 256 player online play sounds like a great idea. However, the gameplay looks recycled from online games like Battlefield and Call of Duty. The graphics don't even look very impressive either. When compared to many of the quality shooters released in the past year, MAG doesn't really look as though it will differentiate itself from any of them.

Honorable Mentions (more games that I'm also excited to play early this year)

Splinter Cell: Conviction

Dante's Inferno

MLB '10: The Show

Best of 2009: Game of the Year

It's about that time again. Time to put an end to what has been a memorable year packed with awesome titles. However, only one of these titles can be Game of the Year. Here are some nominees (my favorite games of '09):

Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars


Batman: Arkham Asylum

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Left 4 Dead 2

And my 2009 Game of the Year is Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

Many games set out to provide the most cinematic gameplay possible for their audience. Killzone 2's opening sequence, Arkham Asylum's environment and mood, Dragon Age's epic battle sequences, "No Russian". All of these examples are great, and truly show the excellence of each game they represent, but none really stood out to me as much as Uncharted 2 did. Simply put, from start to finish, this is a nonstop, action-packed, rollercoaster ride of a game. Naughty Dog did a really great job with taking somewhat trite and previously used story elements, and made them feel both exciting and thrilling. Most of the excitement can directly be attributed to Uncharted 2's sharp controls. Naughty Dog did a phenomenal job of mixing fast-paced shooter action and platforming as well as puzzles. The pacing is fantastic. Puzzle/platforming sequences never seem to drag, and you never get overwhelmed with gunfights. There was nothing truly innovative about Uncharted 2's gameplay or campaign, but it just did all of the little things right. Uncharted 2 also oozes charm through its talented voice actors. Nathan Drake brings a handful of witty comebacks to every gunfight, and every additional character is memorable because of both the detailed writing and the acting. And who could forget about the visuals. Uncharted 2 is completely gorgeous. Whether your in a Panamanian jungle or the snow-capped mountains of Nepal, Uncharted 2 really pushes the PS3 to bring one of the best looking games ever made. Simply put, Uncharted 2 truly defines what a "cinematic gaming experience" is all about. It fully immerses you into its world, its characters, and its story with both charm and fun. If you're a PS3 owner, this is a must own. If you don't own a PS3...well...they're only $300.

Best of 2009: Platform Awards

Best PC Game

Dragon Age: Origins

It's shocking, really, how a game on multiple platforms can be so much better on one particular platform than the others. Dragon Age on the PC offers the most impressive visuals and most comfortable and simple gameplay compared to the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions. Not only that, but it also runs relatively well on lower-end PCs and doesn't require very high specs to play. Not only that, but Dragon Age is a phenomenal game. The visuals are gorgeous, the story is epic, and the voice acting is superb. RPG fans should not miss this one.

Best Xbox 360 Game

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

This highly anticipated sequel made a strong showing across all platforms, but truly shone on the Xbox 360. The campaign and Spec-Ops modes were both very well done and offered both challenge and fun to the millions of people who bought the game. However, the main draw to MW2 had to be the competitive multiplayer. With many new additions, adjustments and improvements, the competitive multiplayer is even more fun and addictive than its predecessor. Combined with a boatload of players with a wide range of skill levels on the 360, it's hard not to recommend Modern Warfare 2 to Xbox 360 owners.

Best PS3 Games

Uncharted 2: Among Theives

Much like last year, 2009's PS3 Game of the Year pushes the hardware of the system to its fullest. The visuals are nothing short of gorgeous, and a wide variety of locales show off the fantastic visual power of the PS3. With a truly exhilerating single player campaign, fast-paced gameplay and a surprisingly good online multiplayer component, Uncharted 2 really shines on every level.

Best Wii Game

New Super Mario Bros. Wii

Despite the fact that the Wii had a bit of an off year in terms of software sales, Mario still seemed to keep going strong. A completely new look and feel to a game over 20 years old helps bring newcomers and veterans together to enjoy Mario as he returns to his platforming roots. A variety of new level designs, suits, powerups and enemies help make this an easy game to recommend for any Wii owner or Mario fan.

Best PSP Game

Rock Band: Unplugged

It's a tough choice, especially with games like Grand Theft Auto, Motorstorm, Gran Turismo and LittleBigPlanet all making transitions from consoles to the PSP, but Rock Band: Unplugged made the most smooth transition out of all of them. By effectively eliminating the use of a tiny plastic add-on, and offering a more challenging, fun type of gameplay, Harmonix really made the music genre feel new and fun again. A wide variety of songs will appeal to metal heads and oldie lovers alike, and support for downloadable content make this a game worth playing for months at a time.

Best DS Game

Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars

It's easy to see that Chinatown Wars was designed from the ground up with the Nintendo DS in mind. It's a shame, really, that it didn't sell well on the handheld because it was a phenomenal entry in the revered series. By recreating nearly every element of Liberty City found in Grand Theft Auto IV, Rockstar really showed us what the Nintendo DS was capable of visually. The city is enormous and is filled with tons of detail. Great story, and the series' popular brand of twisted humor can also be found in Chinatown Wars and help make the story and characters all memorable. Combined with unique touchscreen controls (how is making your own molotovs NOT fun?) and addictive new gameplay elements (like the Drug Wars minigame), Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars is truly a remarkable game that should be played by any DS owner.

Best of 2009: Genre Awards

Best Action/Adventure Game

Uncharted 2

To say that Uncharted 2 is a massive, action-packed thrillride is a bit of an understatement. From start to finish, this game is nothing but explosive, nonstop action and fun. Great pacing, voice acting and character development all help give the game some personality and charm, and with a surprisingly good selection of multiplayer game modes, Uncharted 2 stands as one of the best Action games of the decade.

Best Driving Game

Forza Motorsport 3

Those who ever doubted that a racing game could be made to appeal to both hardcore gearheads and racing newbies can officially be silenced. Forza 3 offers the best of both worlds without ever comprimising anything on either side. The deep customization remains mostly unchanged, and the slew of online options remain just as deep and rewarding, but with new additions like Quick Upgrade, Rewind, and more customizable difficulties, literally anyone who enjoys cars can pick up and play this game.

Best Fighting Game

Street Fighter IV

Street Fighter IV may not appeal to everyone. In fact, it probably only appeals to the Street Fighter faithful. That being said, the series makes a superb transition from 2D to 3D fighter. In fact, the art style and direction is arguably one of the best this year. The controls are tight and mostly simple to pick up on, and the combos are both challenging and rewarding. That combined with online modes make Street Fighter more addictive than ever.

Best Platformer

New Super Mario Bros. Wii

Nintendo seems to have a good thing going here. New Super Mario Bros. Wii (and even on the DS for that matter) are a lot more than just mere remakes. They're complete re-imaginings of a game over 20 years old. A simple 2D side scroller with 3D graphics give it an interesting visual look, but the same classic Mario gameplay remains mostly unchanged. With tons of new powerups, new enemies, environments, and the ability to play with up to four players on one screen, Super Mario Bros. has never been more fun.

Best Puzzle Game


Scribblenauts is truly a unique game. It takes the typical puzzle game and puts an extremely creative and innovative spin on it. Instead of just being given items or methods to solve puzzles, Scribblenauts lets you choose anything you want to solve a puzzle. Whether that be a rocket launcher, cow, wrecking ball, jetpack or anything else, you have complete control over how you solve the puzzle. Not only does this add a new amount of strategy to each puzzle, but it adds a level of creativity as well as makes each puzzle solveable in a virtually limitless amount of ways. Offering just enough challenge, but a great sense of reward, and the ability to create and share your own custom levels, Scribblenauts is arguably the most addictive, fun and creative game to come out this year.

Best Music Game

Rock Band: Unplugged

This was a tough one to choose. Rock Band: Unplugged, however, made a completely smooth transition from console to handheld without requiring the use of tiny plastic instrument add-ons. Harmonix also returned to its roots by allowing control over all four instruments (a la Amplitude) adding a new level of challenge for those who have mastered each individual instrument. The game is challenging, has a wide selection of great music, and also has capabilities for downloadable content. For a portable version of a music game, that's extremely impressive and makes it a great value for music game lovers.

Best Role Playing Game

Dragon Age: Origins

Dragon Age is an RPG at its finest. With quite a few combinations of starting character races and classes, the story in and of itself can change just depending on what character you create. Combined with a bevy of moral choices throughout the game, there are almost endless possibilities for how the game can be played. Easy, accessible gameplay and character customization make this an easy game to recommend for both the hardcore and casual gamers, and the story and voice acting stands out as some of this year's best.

Best Shooter

Killzone 2

Killzone 2 stands out among all of the other shooters in that it is by far the most complete. It's got a phenomenal, good-lengthed single player campaign with great production values, a dark atmosphere and sharp gameplay, and it's got a competitive and unique multiplayer experience that is both accessible and addictive. A variety of different character classes and weapons make it easy to pick up and play for both hardcore shooter fans and newbies, and doesn't punish players for having a lower rank. Overall, its campaign may not be the best, or its multiplayer either, but as a whole, Killzone 2 surpasses the competition by not putting focus on one over the other but emphasizing quality in both.

Best Sports Game

Madden NFL 10

This is, without a doubt, one of the most underrated sports games to come out all year. While it still may not be perfect, Madden 10 makes so much needed improvements over last year's model. Improvements to the presentation are obvious. The game looks great, with each player looking nearly identical to their real-life selves. Arguably the best addition to Madden though is the slower pace and accelerated clock. Such a minute change in gameplay made a huge difference in how it looks and feels. Instead of being very fast paced and quick, the game slowed down a bit, and as a result, looks and feels like a real NFL game.

Best Strategy Game

Plants vs. Zombies

In a genre dominated by grim outlooks and serious stories, Plants vs. Zombies adds a ton of charm to the genre. Instead of chainsawing zombies in half, or blasting them with shotguns, you kill them with plants. Imagine the charm of a Harvest Moon game, mixed with the frantic gameplay of Left 4 Dead. Plants vs. Zombies is almost impossible to put down because of this odd combination. Underneath its cute exterior, however, lies a challenging, strategic and fast-paced game. Don't let the cutesy visuals fool you, these zombies still want to eat your brains, and it takes a lot of strategy to take them all down. With an insane variety of plant-based weapons, a variety of different locations and tons of different ways to play, Plants vs. Zombies is an absolute joy to play.

Best of 2008: Game of the Year's about that time. Time to announce my Game of the Year for 2008.

Let's take a look at previous winners...just because...I like to reminisce.

2007: Mass Effect

2006: Gears of War

2005: Resident Evil 4

2004: Metal Gear Solid 3

And now. Here are a few nominees and games worth mentioning as great games for this year.

Gears of War 2

Call of Duty: World at War

Fallout 3


Metal Gear Solid 4

Grand Theft Auto 4

Rock Band 2

Mirror's Edge

Fable 2

Only one can be Game of the Year, and that one is

Metal Gear Solid 4

It's really hard to not like Metal Gear Solid 4. Sure, if you haven't played the previous 3, then it's really hard to do it. The story is confusing, even if you are very familiar with what has happened in previous games. That being said, that story makes you compelled to see what happens next, what potential twists and turns await. This feeling can be directly attributed to the voice acting. Each character is one that a person can relate to. Players feel fear and anxiety for the heroes and wish nothing but harm for the villains. Each actor does an incredible job creating a believeable cast of characters that both add to the drama of what's going on around them, but make the player feel convinced as well. Not only that, but Metal Gear Solid 4 looks and plays amazingly. The graphics don't really shine in one particular area, but as a whole they're some of the best of this generation. The music accents all of the high points of excitement and intensity and lead to some incredible moments in the game. Metal Gear Solid 4 also succeeds in that it truly lets you play how you want. It is stealth based, but if you want to run around with an RPG wreaking havoc, go for it. All of the weapons are at your disposal to complete your mission however you see fit. With some intense boss battles, and some truly unforgettable moments, Metal Gear Solid 4 is really a game for the ages. It accomplishes what so few games try to accomplish, and it does it relatively easily, making it a shoe-in for Game of the Year

Best of 2008: Platform Awards

Best PC Game

World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King: While I haven't yet experienced what is supposed to be a bevy of great endgame content, leveling in Northrend is some of the most memorable leveling I've done. The dungeons are all fantastic, and the quests/storylines are all really well done and very detailed. Death Knights are incredibly powerful, and fun to play (along with an absolutely astonishing quest line), and several key additions like siege weaponry make World of Warcraft feel newer than before.

Best Xbox 360 Game (Exclusive)

Gears of War 2: Gears of War 2 simply takes one of the best Xbox 360 games and makes it even better with some slight and significant changes in its story, multiplayer and overall look and feel. While it has some shortcomings, it is worth mentioning as the best Xbox game this year.

Best Playstation 3 Game (Exclusive)

Metal Gear Solid 4: This is almost too easy. Metal Gear Solid 4 is the culmination of an amazing story, phenomenal presentation and production values, and just all around great and varied gameplay. While the story stands out among all of these, the acting merits some recognition as each voice actor does an absolutely incredible job at adding to the drama and intensity of this amazing game.

Best Wii Game (Exclusive)

Super Smash Bros. Brawl: With simply the large amount of characters, and a great online mode, Super Smash has never been better. While nothing much is changed as far as gameplay is concerned, it is still a very intense, competitive game to play either by yourself or with a group of friends.

Best PSP Game

God of War: Chains of Olympus: With a game as incredible as God of War recreated in almost an identical fashion on the PSP, this game is a technological achievement. The graphics are flat out phenomenal, and it looks almost just like the PS2 versions, which are still very great looking games to this day. The gameplay is just as smooth and fluid as previous games, and there's plenty of awesome powers and weapons, along with awesome bosses to fight.

Best Nintendo DS Game

Chrono Trigger: While it's a remake of a older, yet great game, Chrono Trigger's story stands out as one of the most creative and unique for its time and this time as well. The combat is just as fresh and adds more strategies to fights. The characters, bosses, and plot turns are all very memorable and well done, and while certain additions aren't as great as you may hope, the game overall is still great and will hold your attention for many hours.

Best Multiplatform Game

Grand Theft Auto IV: It's not really fair to give an entire platform to one game that's on multiple platforms. Grand Theft Auto shines in that packs a ton of great stuff into one package. A large bustling city, a dark, yet compelling storyline, characters that are interesting and humorous, unlimited amounts of freedom to do what you want. All of these things make Grand Theft Auto IV one of the best games of its kind, and sets the standard for future games.

Best of 2008: Genre Awards

Best Action Adventure

Grand Theft Auto IV: Grand Theft Auto is just a complete package. It has a great, memorable cast of characters, along with a great story that seriously makes the player think about their actions, and some killer, super-realistic gameplay mechanics. Who would of thought that a cell phone would have made a game all that more fun and realistic?

Best Driving

Burnout Paradise: Not only does the Burnout series return with its famous formula of high speed races and killer crashes, but it puts all of that in a completely open world with tons of quirks to find if you so chose. With the addition of a seamless online mode and some of the best free downloadable content to ever be released, Burnout Paradise is a racing fan's paradise.

Best Fighting

Soul Calibur IV: While it doesn't do anything amazing or special for the series (apart from the average online play), Soul Calibur IV is still an absolutely incredible fighting game. It's gorgeous to look at, and there's plenty of challenge for hardcore fighting fans along with a very accessable control scheme for newcomers to pick up and play. With a robust character creation system as well, Soul Calibur IV is hands down one of the best fighting games in recent time.

Best Platformer

Mirror's Edge: This is easily one of the most unique platformers of all time. Never has a game made me feel so immersed in the action and actually put me into the shoes of the character I've played as. Although the story is nothing to brag about, it is an interesting idea and also very thought-provoking. As for the gameplay, it's extremely fluid, and feels fast paced and action packed.

Best Rhythm/Music Game

Rock Band 2: From a hardware standpoint, Guitar Hero has Rock Band beat with it's realistic and fun peripherals. While most everything in Rock Band 2 is the same as the original, the amount of downloadable content and the amazing quality of music on the game disc itself is more than enough to put it above Guitar Hero. The additions of No Fail modes and Battle of the Bands make it accessable to newcomers and offer new challenges to hardcore players respectively, and it's just an overall great package. With new content always being released, Rock Band is a shoe-in for best Rhythm game.

Best Roleplaying Game

Fallout 3: While both this and Fable II boast the ability to do whatever you want, whenever you want, Fallout has an absolutely amazing amount of content to explore and play. With a vast amounts of weapons and perks, the combinations for your character are almost limitless, and you could easily spend hours doing simple side quests in the game.

Best Shooter

Call of Duty World At War: I was initially not excited about this game, but once I played the first 10 minutes of the campaign, I was sold. Not only does it replicate the intensity of its predacessor, but it has a great campaign and story filled with tons of surprises, epic moments, and lots of quick thinking. With a few great weapons like a flamethower, a great game mode in Nazi Zombie mode, and the same killer Call of Duty multiplayer, Call of Duty World at War is the model of a great shooter.

Best Sports Game

MLB 08: The Show: No other game have I played that was more fun and realistic than MLB 08. The graphics and presentation are phenomenal. Along with some stellar commentary, the game feels like a real game. Along with a great Road to the Show mode, this game is flat out addictive.

Megan Baldwin 3/12/91-10/24/08

Many of you haven't heard, but I lost a great and amazing friend this past week.
Here we go. The mother of all notes. I'm going to take this opportunity and literally pour out everything that I've thought in the past week.

I adored Megan Baldwin. Heck, I still do. She never seemed to turn away from a moment to make me smile or laugh in some manner. Even if what she did was completely goofy, she had that knack to bring a smile out of me no matter what the situation. It didn't matter whether or not my day was completely sucking or not, she would always go out of her way to spend time with me and make sure I felt better. Her positive outlook on life was infectious, and I frequently felt more positive just by being around her. Another infectious thing about her was her intelligence and inquisitiveness. Whenever I was around her, I felt more enlightened about everything. She could explain things so eloquently and it would still make perfect sense to me. Whether it was Psychology stuff that I could never grasp, or life lessons that to this day I'll remember, she simply made sense no matter how complicated or touchy a situation was. I could talk to her for hours and hours and not even realize it. Whenever I was in a pickle, I would just log onto AIM and there she'd be (it's almost like she was expecting me sometimes) ready for a deep and meaningful conversation. I've said this quite often, but if it weren't for Megan's advice and friendship during my parent's divorce, I don't know how I would have taken it. I was blessed to have her advice and her guidance during all of my tough times. I'm more confident, emotionally strong, and my faith in God is stronger all because of her.

But it wasn't just all deep and thoughtful things. Megan was just plain fun. Whether it was goofy dancing, playing games in Hyndman's ****s, being rebellious in general, bringing fake snow to your lunch table, arguing over the Yankees and the Red Sox, stopping by while you were working to give you a hard time, being willing to try and learn everything from Guitar Hero to drums, hand-hugs, happy-buttons, talking to complete strangers, and so much more, Megan simply lived life to the fullest, and she helped me live my life with no restraint. There's so much of her that I missed out on though, and all I really can do is regret it, but appreciate the times I had with her.

One thing Megan liked to do was ask questions. This was not limited to teachers and instructors though. I would constantly be asked "Why?" to things such as my political beliefs, traditions, and even things such as what I did with my free time. While this made me both uncomfortable and irritated with Megan at the time, looking back, I realize that her main goal with those intense questions was to make sure that I was sure in my own beliefs, and not just following the norm. I can safely say that I believe what I believe in today because of the assurance I got from her questions. It was also fun to see Mrs. Hyndman completely have no idea to answer those ridiculous US History and Psychology questions.

Seeing everyone I know react the way they have has shown me how much Megan was loved by everyone she knew. However, it never occurred to me how much we were loved by her. I personally thought that I was close to Megan, but I never would have imagined that she went to those she knew and talked to them about me, and told them the same funny stories I remember from the time we spent together. In the past week, I've met people who I feel know more about me before they even said a word to me. It kind of blows my mind to think about that. But it wasn't just a one way thing. I heard all about her friends from church and others she knew, and how I simply had to meet them. I've had the privilege of meeting a good bit of those people, and it was a great feeling, despite the circumstances under which I met them.

There's not much more to say about Megan except that she changed my life for the better. Looking back at what I've written, I prolly forgot a few things, but it's way too hard to gather all the amazing memories and thoughts I've had into just one note. But I want to tell you guys what Megan's death has done for me now, and what I intend to do in the future.

What I've learned from this whole experience:
1. Life is beautiful, life it to the fullest, and enjoy every day of it. Megan taught me this every day I spent with her, and through her passing, I believe it's one of the many things she'd want us to remember.

2. Don't be afraid to ask "stupid" or "ridiculous" questions. While it may make you feel stupid in the moment, it will eventually make you smarter and more knowledgeable in life.

3. Love your friends and stay close to them. In weeks leading up to Friday night, I didn't really talk with many people. I'd come home, do homework, hang out at my house, and that would be it. I felt like I was drifting from all my friends, including Megan, because I had dropped down from AP and Gifted Level ****s to take Honors ****s instead. Naturally, I didn't see my friends as much as I used to. Through the events of the past week, I've renewed friendships, made some new ones, and planned to keep some alive for many years to come.

I also would like to talk about what I plan to do in the future because of Megan (some of these are short-term, some are long term):
1. Never forget Megan and the girl she was. This is the last thing that I wanna do in my life. I want to live every day like she would, remember the girl she was, and let her live on through my memories and actions.

2. I now want to have a daughter, and her name is going to be Megan. For those of you who haven't heard me joke around about this, I've frequently told myself that I'd be a terrible father if I had a girl. I'd be protective, way too protective. I feel now that I honestly wouldn't do a half-bad job raising a girl, but I would definitely name her Megan just because of the impact she's made on my life.

3. I will keep in contact with my friends. There are no if's, and's, or but's about it.

4. I'm going to print out everything Megan wrote and keep it. It seems that she would always address whatever issues I had in her blogs and other writings. I want to keep them all, so that way when I'm troubled by something again, I would read them just as though she were still writing them to this day.

5. I'm going to frequently visit her family, friends, and her grave. The Baldwins have become like family to me now. David and I have so much in common, and I love both of her parents so very much. I don't want to lose touch with them, so I want to make it a point to visit them often. The church Megan's buried at is literally right across the street from my house, so I feel that it's appropriate that I visit her often as well.

And I think at that, I'm going to end this really long message. I purposely waited until the end of all of this to sort of gather my thoughts, and now I finally had my chance to do just that and share it with you guys. All that's left to be said is this: Megan, I will never forget you, I will always love you, and I can't wait until we meet again. You will surely be missed by very many people (side note: I've heard that the viewing had some 700+ people attend, and the funeral 300+, that's amazing.).