Since I only rented this game (thankfully), I'll just post a few comments about this game (which for some odd reason is getting absolutely marvelous reviews).
To be frank, I tried to like Bayonetta like everyone else. The combat is one of the best around, and it brings back memories of playing Devil May Cry on the PS2. Graphically, Bayonetta doesn't fail to impress either. The scenery is both detailed and gorgeous at times, and the character models look great. So what we have here is the basis for a great action/adventure game.
However, if you even try to pay attention to the story, it all starts going downhill. Nothing makes any sense, and I feel like nothing I do has any major purpose except that the developers thought it would look cool. Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for a game having over the top action and some style, but at least give me a relatively coherent story to follow. Now, to be completely honest, I didn't complete the story mode, so I don't know for sure if the story got better towards the end. What I do know is that I wasn't motivated at all to play through it.
And don't even get me started on the sound. A simple idea would be to just play the whole game on mute or skip the cutscenes. The dialogue is terrible, and reeks of video game stereotypes and cliches. And the music...well let's just say that unless you don't mind listening to one of three annoying Japanese Pop songs at every major fight, you'll probably end up with a headache like I did (in all fairness, I can tolerate J-Pop, but it's the repetition of the same three songs that really kill it).
In short, I enjoyed the game (therefore, I gave it a 7.5), and by "game", I mean the gameplay. Bayonetta is both fun to play and watch. As for everything else, it'll just leave you with a bad taste in your mouth.