Now, first off, let me just say that this is in no way reflective of how my 2010 Game of the Year can and will play out. There's still a ton of games to be played in 2010, some GotY caliber, but I still think it's good to see how all of the games that have come out thusfar stack up against each other. Nevertheless, here we go.
5. Pokemon SoulSilver/Heartgold
A remake of, quite possibly, the two greatest Pokemon games ever released, SoulSilver and Heartgold look better than ever on the DS. The gameplay remains unchanged for the most part, but it never really needed fixing in the first place. Adding the new PokeWalker accessory allows for even more ways to level up your Pokemon without the hassle of bringing your DS ever, and makes for a fast, fun way to play Pokemon on the go. Needless to say, I find myself getting sucked into the world of Johto all over again.
4. Final Fantasy XIII
This originally was going to be higher on the list, but the story has been very hit and miss with me so far. At times it's very dramatic and moving. At other times, it just seems to drag on for ages. It's still a Game of the Year contender in my eyes, but the ending is going to play a huge role in deciding that (don't spoil it! I'm almost done!). The visuals are gorgeous, and the battle system is arguably the best they've ever used. The cast of characters is one of the most fleshed out, and memorable that I've seen in a Final Fantasy game, and though I have my complaints about the story, the structure of the narrative is great. I'm still hoping this game can deliver!
3. God of War III
This is the only real major change. The game was great. I loved the combat, and the visuals are nothing short of amazing. The sense of scale has never been better, and some of the boss fights are just jaw-dropping. That being said, I was very disappointed with the ending. Not really how it ended, but just the fact that they tried to explain a vast amount of stuff in an extremely small amount of time. First, I killed Zeus, then a series of two or three events occur (I'll refrain from spoiling here), and by the end of it all, it'll leave you scratching your head wondering "What the hell just happened?" Great game. Disappointing story.
2. Heavy Rain
If you can make it past the myriad of technical hitches (sound cutting out, God-awful load times, loss of video, awkward controls, etc.) this is one of the most memorable games I've played in years. The narrative is untouched by any other game, and it truly gives you complete control over how you want the story to play out (also allowing for tons of replayability). Despite the awkward walking controls, the rest of the control scheme functions really well and is very responsive. Gorgeous character models, a likeable cast of characters, and one of the biggest twists in a video game's story round out a very well done game. It makes me wonder what one last coat of polish could have done to make this game truly extraordinary though.
1. Mass Effect 2
To be 100% honest, this is probably the frontrunner for my 2010 Game of the Year (once again...the year's not over, and a final decision obviously hasn't been made). It improved on pretty much every single flaw with the first one (my 2007 Game of the Year if you recall), and maintained what made the first one great. Gorgeous visuals, a stable frame rate, a wide variety of playing styles, a strong cast of characters (who are also well voiced), and sharp gameplay all make Mass Effect 2 an extraordinary game. It walks a fine line between being a third person shooter and an RPG, but it does it perfectly and makes it a fun, accessible game for shooter and RPG lovers alike.