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I Don't Ask For Much in Life...

So, last night I was thrust into a situation that I'm not typically used to. Through the course of events yesterday I was blessed with a night home alone. Now, don't get me wrong. It's not that I don't enjoy spending time with the girlfriend and kids its just that very rarely do I get a night completely to myself so I was excited.

Given this night home alone I was going to spend it playing MW2 online with people from GS and from work. I don't get the opportunity to play with the people that I know very often as our schedules are usually conflicted and the one time when I can play with them is during normal night time hours... 8-10pm or so.

So, I got myself all situated. I took the dogs out. I got my Cokes. I sat down on the couch and got into some MW2.

After nearly an hour of playing and finally getting into some kind of groove what happened?


Now, this wouldn't have been so bad if it hadn't happened before under very similar circumstances. Five years ago I wrote this blog while I was living in Florida and it was basically the same story.

Now, I know that this happening twice in 5 years is no big deal but it is when these two occassions in five years are the only times when I've actually sat down with the express purpose of playing online with friends only to have it crap out on me.

So, I guess that I'll have to wait until sometime in 2015 for another opportunity like this. Hopefully MW4 will be awesome.
