Holy crap! He's back!
Yeah, I know I've been gone a while. It's been a combination of things (mostly work) but I've been around GS and gaming just not active here.
I think a lot of my absence stems from the fact that I haven't had a really good gaming experience since Red Dead Redemption. That was in May! Jeez!
I guess it really boils down to the fact that I'm STILL suffering from Heavy Rain withdrawl. That game was so amazing that everything else just pales in comparison.
So, since the good games are still a few weeks off I've mostly been keeping busy with XBLA games. It seems like the summer is when they really shine. Last year was Shadow Complex and this year was the new Lara Croft game as well as some classic arcade games like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Arcade Game.
Don't have much to say really. Hope everyone is doing well. Be back soon.