has any1 bought an american ps3 game which has worked in england
laycocoy06's forum posts
im going to the us on saturday and am wondering if any1 has been and bought a ps3 game which has then worked when they have come back to england 0n their british ps3 so i know that they definatly work. thanks alot guys
ive a warhawk theme if u go on ur ps3 internet browser go on google n put in ps3 themes go on 2nd 1 down u can download 2000-3000 pages of themes
ive had a ps3 since christmasn wen mine gets dusty i jst wipe it wiv a cloth n i aint gt any scratches so i wunt worry about it 2 much as long as ur careful
when playing cod4 on my ps3 i always get killed after shooting the enemy player 4 about 3 secs. it isnt my connection because its 100%. it happens 2 mi m8s aswell wen they try stab sum 1 they jst get shot. its usually americans is ther a cheat around that makes ur gun more powerful or summat n has this happened 2 any of u? i no u can use stopping power but i usually ave that aswell.
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