Almost before it began
by lazyjay on Comments
Most of you know by now, but for the few who don't ... I'm no longer seeing Jeremy. And for those who don't know why (most of you) a little history... Jeremy and I have more in common than just our love for cooking, eating, talking and Joss Whedon's shows. He's also divorced with a friendly ex and a little girl (3 y.o.) who is his whole world (as she should be). Recently his ex started toying with the idea of getting a job somewhere else and leaving Tucson, and Jeremy, while not crazy about the idea, said he would move too, to stay close to his little girl. So, a few days ago we were talking on the phone and he gave me the big serious "we need to talk", and he didn't want to do it over the phone, but in person. I started to get a little nervous because that's not usually good news. We had plans to get together for the weekend anyway so I figured we'd have our talk then and see what happens. I went over to his place Friday and no serious talky all night, nothing all day Saturday either until the afternoon when I brought it up. He seemed really uneasy about it but eventually he let it spill... apparently his ex's idea of moving was more than just idle speculation, she already has a new job lined up and they'll all be moving in about a month, and to top it off, they might be getting back together, which I suppose is good on a family front. I'm happy for his little girl and I'm proud of him for giving everything up to be near her and possibly full time parents again. I just wish things had been different. He told me he wants to keep seeing me until he moves, and much as I want to keep spending time with him, I told him I'd have to think about it, and since then I've told him no. I don't want to be a temp, if that makes sense, and he understands why not. So, that was the end of my first foray into the world of ... I don't know what to call it... bisexual relationships? Although I wish it didn't have to end, I'm glad it did when it did instead of when we were more emotionally invested and seriously attached. It also helped that I had kind of a couple of days warning and had a chance to talk it out with a friend before hand. We have no hard feelings on either side. The time I spent with Jeremy was wonderful, I think he was the perfect man for me to be with for the first time, and we both really enjoyed each other's company in all the other things we did too. Even though our time together was short, I will always remember it as some of the best times of my life and I wouldn't trade them for anything.