lazyjay / Member

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So, remember when I said...

So, you probably already know what I'm going to write about but some of you aren't on Facebook or Twitter. And I didn't really talk about it very much in either of those places. The other morning, about a week or so ago, I was kind of startled out of a dream about my ex-wife. In the dream she was trying to convince me that I wasn't bi and trying to seduce me. I really had no attraction to her at all, and she's a very beautiful woman. I don't know if that's what startled me but I woke up kind of surprised that I had been dreaming that. That lead me to think about other women I've been involved with or interested in and realized I felt nothing in the attraction department towards them either. And the same went for every other woman I could think of, even drop dead sexy famous ones like Eliza Dushku or Terry Farrell. That really surprised me, and left me wondering where it came from. It was bad timing because it was about 5 AM and I wanted to talk to someone, anyone, about it but everyone was asleep. I eventually fell back asleep and when I woke I admitted to myself that I'm gay So, remember when I said a few months back "I'm still totally into girls"? Well I'm not anymore! :) I'm still getting used to it, but it feels very right. I'm more relaxed and at peace with myself than I've been in, well, ever. And for some reason since then my self confidence had been at a high, which is quite unusual for me. I may seem gregarious and outgoing online but offline I usually hide in the corner whenever I'm not actively doing something. But now... I stood up to my dad and told him to stop taking advantage of me since he already owes me thousands of dollars, I told off my evil brother who wronged me greatly (not the usual sibling rivalry stuff) when I was a small child and cut all ties with him. Two things I was always afraid to do before. Over the past few days I've slowly been coming out to everyone who is important to me and even some who aren't. The only ones I haven't told yet are my ex-wife and daughter. I'm very nervous about doing that and I think I need to talk to other divorced parents who are gay for advice and reassurance before I do. My daughter is going to be 13 years old in a few months and that's a hard enough time in life as it is and I don't want to make it anymore difficult or confusing for her. Everyone I've told has been supportive and accepting, which had been wonderful. Someof them already suspected and 2 claimed to know. ;) The only negative so far has been that I had a first hand experience as a target of homophobia for the first time the other night... I was walking out of a gay bar near the U of A with some friends and some frat boys across the street started yelling at us and calling us names and throwing things at us. Nothing hit us, but still, it was kinda scary. I'm not in a relationship yet but I have some great gay friends who know what it's like to be new to being gay and are helping me meet people. :) I have more to say and talk about but I'm at the library which is closing in a few minutes so I'll sign off here. Cheers, everyone, and thanks for the love and support. It really means a lot to me. :) And one more time, just 'cause I like saying it: I'm gay :D