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lblampman Blog

KOTOR II rocks!

I just got my XBOX at Christmas and I've had some fun playing various games. Some frustrating times too trying to master the controller!

I susbscribed to Gamefly (I like our Netflix service) so that I could rent games that I wasn't sure about purchasing; we're not very close to a Brick & Mortor operation that rents. so happens the first game I had on my list was Knights of the Old Republic II:The Sith Lords. After a shipping problem at Christmas time they shipped another copy and it arrived about a week ago (the second copy came qucikly so I hope that signals what to expect in the future).

Now I'm hooked; I've now spent hours in front of the TV with controller in hand (a nice wireless Logitech) and I'm still in the early stages of the game. I'm thorougly enjoying the process and am getting totally immersed in the story (which I didn't know prior to starting KOTOR2). I can't laugh at the "game junkies" anymore...I'm becoming one!:shock:

More Stuff

27 DEC 2004 - Well, a trip to E.B. Games today netted some more XBOX goodies...I purchased a Logitech Wireless Controller (2 thumbs-up so far), MechAssault(1), Rallisport2, and Halo(1). That gives me 9 games to fool around with at the moment so that ought to keep me busy and train my hands to the controller!

XBOX for Christmas

My new XBOX is in hand! I got the Holiday Pack with NCAA Football and Topspin and also got Fable, Voodoo Vince, Morrowind GOTY and Crimson Skies to go with the XBOX; nice Christmas! Since this is my first game machine in years I'm very rusty and trying to learn the XBOX controller. It's fun so far!

Merry Christams!

And now the Journal

23 DEC 04 - Found the Journal part of my account today having read a couple of others through links...just what I need...another 'toy'. :D

Gamespot Complete

20 Dec 04 - That's it! I've watched enough videos and read enough new articles to know I've gotta have the 'Complete' package...I signed up!

Found the Noob Nation Forum (good stuff) and the RPG Union (jury's still out).

The Hook gets set!

19 DEC 04 - I'm getting hooked on visiting the Fourms and reading the main XBOX pages for news and reviews. Lovin' it!

Gamespot Found

18 Dec 04 - Les finds Gamespot. Les finds C.O.P. (Career Older People) forum on Gamespot (with a Google search of course). This could be addictive; and time-consuming! :D