yep, the roll move. I will have to try using the d-pad.
lbradshaw's forum posts
Anybody else find the doge move in heavenly sword slow and unresponsive? With no jump move, the doge has to work! As the combat gets a little harder, I find the doge move to be very frustrating.
I lost interest the moment I found out Story Mode was canned. :(azzezino
I felt the same way until I played the beta. Way Fun! Best online play I have had in a long time.
I am having fun with GRAW 2 so far, but there does not seem to be an gama(brightness) setting in the options menu for any of the multiplayer modes. I have tried setting this in the single player options but it has no effect on multiplayer. GRAW 2 is too dark on my Sony TV, and there is no way to correct this from the TV side, the picture gets washed out.
Anyone have a solution? Ubisoft, Help!!?
Where is:
Heavenly sword
Haze (time exc)
oh ya almost forgot the guy in gamespot kept sayin wow it so much money and when i was leavin he goes its such a wast of money.jerk!
I would have turned right around asked for the Manager, and returned the PS3 games and all. And then let them know they lost a sell because of that guy.... And then bought a PS3 at another store. They would lose my money if they acted that way to me.,12133
How come when info about one of causes of the 360's infamous red ring of death comes to light, neither IGN or Gamespot post one word about it? If this was reversed, and someone was saying there was an fatal design flaw in the PS3, we would never hear the end of it. Come on guys! At least try to pretend to be balanced. ;)
Ok... Now let's see how long it takes for the thread to be locked. :)
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