ldaesch / Member

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How you can do your part to help save internet radio

On April 26th, Representative Jay Inslee (D-WA) introduced the Internet Radio Equality Act (HR 2060).  This bill will provide immediate relief from the proposed new rates and can save thousands on internet radio stations from going off the air.  The bill would vacate the CRB's decision and set a 2006-2010 royalty rate at the same level crrently being paid by satellite radio services (7.5% of revenue).  The bill would also change the royalty rate - setting standard used in royalty arbitrations, so that the standards applying to webcaters would align with the standard that applies to satellite radio royalty arbitrations.

The next step is to line up co-sponsors for HR 2060, but time is running short.

If you would like to help, CALL your Representative and ask them to co-sponsor HR 2060 -- the Internet Radio Equality Act.  Click here to find your Representative's number.