This is one of the newer shows on Cartoon Network, and let's just say that it's not very good. The whole premise is hard to swallow (bascially, a human kid (whose last name is Lyon) is accidentally sent to an animal school), and his adventures trying to fit in at the school.
I'm sorry, but it's just hard for me to willingly suspend my disbelief for this premise. This kind of administrative error is easily corrected, and his parents should have been able to appeal the decision. He shouldn't be at the animal school as long as it's portrayed in the series.
Also, the plots and writing are subpar, at best.
Right now, the kids are watching the "movie": "My Gym Partner's A Monkey: The Big Field Trip." All I can say is: it's BLOODY AWFUL.
I hope this show will get canned sooner rather than later...
EDIT: Oh, no! They're show "The Big Field Trip" movie AGAIN! It was just on three hours ago! NOOOOOOOO!