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2007 - The Best Year in Gaming Ever!

2007 is looking like it's going to be the biggest year in gaming history!  That's a pretty tall order but this year has more can't miss titles and hype than any year before.  With all three consoles up to speed, we've got games, games, and more games! 

First let's take a look at the classic franchises from Nintendo and Sony.  Usually the big guns are released in a year to themselves but this year all the eggs are coming out of the basket.  Nintendo has not only a Metroid game, but also a Super Mario.  Both are sure-fire can't misses.  In addition to them, Nintendo promises another entry into the RPG cannon with Dragon Quest IX.  Three trustworthy titles from Sony are God of War 2, Final Fantasy XIII and of course, Metal Gear Solid 4.  Now that they've finally learned how to make a good Tomb Raider game, they're remaking the original which is expected to be another gem.  They're sequels to sequels, but that only reinforces the guarantee that they will deliver. 

Then we have the original titles that Microsoft is providing such as Capcom's Lost Planet, Lost Odyssey, 2K's BioShock, Alan Wake, and Mass Effect; all from reliable developers.  They also have another zombie game this year with Left 4 Dead.  How can they screw that up?  They're also providing a couple of can't miss sequels of their own in Fable 2 and Halo 3.  Another name from the past, Turok V, is looking pretty good in early views. 

There will be plenty of multi-platform games to occupy our time with the likes of Assassin's Creed and Rogue Warrior leading the pack.  Not to mention the twenty-five game play hours being added to The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. 

Finally, like every year, we have the surprises.  The games people know nothing or very little about that appear and impress.  What kind of games are developers going to make for the Wii?  Necro Nesia looks like an interesting survival horror game while Disaster: Day of Crisis and Sadness also had intriguing trailers.  As for the PS3, Eight Days and Lair stirring up buzz since they were announced at E3 2006. 

There is no way to understate this years lineup.  I didn't even get into what might come (stay seated, Resident Evil 5).  It is as exciting to be a gamer now than ever before and it is because this is the biggest year the gaming world has ever seen!