At E3 2006, one of the more interesting Wii trailers that played was a survival horror game called Necro Nesia. One of the more intriguing aspects of this first glimpse was the eerie title "Necro Nesia". Oh well! That's now gone. Necro Nesia is now strictly the Japanese title; and the rest of the world is left with the esoteric title "Escape From Bug Island"! Seriously.
Wagging finger of shame on you Nintendo! First, you pulled that Mortal Kombat with no blood stunt in the early 90's and now THIS! A cool title lost in translation to nothing more than the worst title of the year. Snakes on a Plane the game. Thanks for nothing Nintendo, you always know how to suck the life out of your older gamers when you stick this kiddie garbage down our throats. I'm tired of your childish antics, Nintendo. You're obsession with catering to your youngest audience is alienated you from everyone else. It's one thing to not be able to compete with the graphics of Microsoft & Sony, and then just pretend that you "want" your games to look cartoony. You don't seem to have a problem with wanting your trees to look like trees. But that's okay, the market is certainly big enough for you to make your silly party games. But now your taking your philosophy to changing your game titles.
It's a Survival Horror game for the love of....Escape From Bug Island??? How did that boardroom meeting go, "Let's see, what's the opposite title of Necro Nesia?" A title is the first impression of what your game is. Necro Nesia is a cool, scary, dark title. You know, like a title that has the aspects of the kind of game you have. A survival horror game. But no. Here in the rest of the world, us simple minded English speaking people have to draw from "Escape From Bug Island". Gee, I wonder what that's about. So now expectations are lowered to a goofy B-movie. That wouldn't be bad if the game was that, kind of like Destroy All Humans!. But it's a horror game. And now a game that can't be taken seriously because the title is the most horrific thing about it. Gone is the hope an emersive experience because the title practically mocks itself.
You can have your Banjo-Kazooie's and your Rootie Tootie Fresh N Frooties, as long as the title is somewhat suggestive of what you're getting yourself into.
I know, I know, if the game is great, who cares what they call it? The answer is me. Especially when it has a good title, if only I lived in Japan.
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