I agree with the Tom about this false advertising with EA or whoever the entity that selling this game as realistic.
Its a game.
Publisher or Developer needs to stop using the term realistic.
Foxbat25m and BOTA-16 seems to be on the ball when it came to this silent Indie game, Ground Branch.
According to their Kickstarter, they already have a large following. This must be good.
Its a shame, that everyone nowadays play for the fast pixels and level unlocks and whatever else Hyper Attention Deficit Disorder kids plays nowadays.
Tactical gaming has gone with the Dodo.
Thankfully Tactical Gaming can still be had with Bohemia with their ArmA series and Blackfoot Studios Ground Branch. Wish more Tactical Gamers would help Blackfoot Studio with their Ground Branch Kickstarter
Good article nonetheless. We need more honest opinions.
ledanek's comments