Ohh I lied it does deserve its score....
but to be honest with you guys i never really like Halo i played halo 2 for less than 30 mins and got bored with it but this is
because i never enjoyed first person shooters. so if i were to review Halo 3 my personal review would be a 6 or a 6.5 but my review
for the game is definitely unfair because as i had said i don't like fps...so this means to get a fair and reliable review a person who
is actually inclined to fps and halo franchise should be the one to give their review to the game which i believe is what gamespot
and other sites and magazines had done. they are the one who are familiar with fps and halo and if many of them says its great
then i just have to accept it because that is the truth...and then people say that halo 3 is no different from halo 2 in terms of
gameplay then why did it got a good score while gamespot complained on other sequel games for having a similar gameplay to
the original? those that mean that gamespot and other sites who gave the same coment are biase??? the answer is NO! Halo 3's
similar gameplay to Halo2 is actually one of the reason why it receive a high score.. They love the gameplay of halo 2 what willl
made us think that they will hate a game with a same gameplay with better graphics and any other additional features???
im not a 360 fanboy as a matter of fact i am more of a sony fanboy but i know how to face and accept reality so let me say this
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