Stop getting banned :evil:
I am tired of looking on my my list and seeing you guys banned. It wouldn't be GS if I lost all my good b!tches. So cut back on the flame baits, don't be a troll, don't fight the mods better yet dont even look at them, watch out for suicide threads, and if you feel a need to make a suicide thread don't you might regret it try talking to me first. That is all now all of you get back to your missions. Come on you guys freekyzeeky you have to keep gamespot sexay, IceKoldWater and Orlandomagic there are probably rap threads you need to work on, LJS noobs aren't going to own themselvs, Bulletsword we need more of your anime knowledge,Bofe the Wii boards need you, and Media Geek go get me a soda boy I will be in OT making great threads and not getting banned.