So here is my storty. I was in System Wars(I have been going there when OT got boring), I saw a very ignorant post he actually said wii is destroying the videogame industry by taking people away from live so no one can report the racists. I made a comment(wasn't really a reply but just a slick way to make fun of his ignorance). And he came back at me, I thought his comments were pretty dumb and I could debate with him. But I realised that is the power of SW.
You own one noob you have toget them all, so I just left the thread andhe will proably get destroyed by another fanboy. It is funny this was the first time I have been called a sheep. Well I hope I didn't offend any of you who post in SWwho are nothing like the sad fanoy I mentionedjust wanted to share a good GS story.