i bought dragon age origins today and when i got home i entered the shale code and that worked fine but when i made an account on bioware and put in the code for the blood dragon armour it says that the code has already been used. iv searched the internet and couldnt find anything about it so i wondered if you guys knew what to do?
leezo666's forum posts
Sweet man. First off welcome to the PS3 universe. Now lets see if I can help you out. Kane and lynch dead men is third person action game. The game itself is pretty mediocre to be honest. You would be better off just selling or trading in the game towards something else. The shooting felt clunky and off to me and every other word seems to be the F-bomb in this game. Now here are some of my recommendations for good FPS and RPGs
- The Orange box-20 bucks for 5 amazing games. Half life 2, Half life episode 1, Half life episode 2, Portal and Team Fortress 2
- Resistance Fall of man
- Resistance 2
- Killzone 2
- Rainbow Six Vegas
- Rainbow Six Vegas 2
- Graw 2
- Warhawk
- Battlefield Bad Company
- Fear
- Call of duty World at War
- Call of duty Modern Warfare 2
- Battlefield 1943-PSN
- Demons Souls
- Valkyria Chronicles
- Folklore
- Disgaea 3
- Eternal Sonata
- Dragon age origins
- Fallout 3 GOTY
- Oblivion GOTY
- Marvel Ultimate Alliance
- Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
- Sacred 2
Others genre games to check out.
- Uncharted Drakes fortune
- Uncharted 2
- Ratchet and Clank Tools of destruction
- Ratchet and Clank Quest for booty-PSN title
- Ratchet and Clank A Crack in time
- Fat Princess-PSN
- Metal Gear Solid 4
- Ninja Gaiden Sigma
- Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
- Street Fighter 4
- Marvel vs Capcom 2-PSN
- Wipeout HD
- Mirror's Edge
- Assassin's Creed 2
- Dead Space
- Resident Evil 5
- Burnout Paradise
- Little big planet
- Guitar hero 5
- Motorstorm 2
hey thanks for this list im definatly going to check these out :) im probably going to give kane and lynch a blast before i make up my mind but i few have said what you have said about it.
hey iv just bought a 40gb ps3 off ebay and it comes with fifa 09 and kane and lynch:dead men. iv played fifa on the xbox and thought it was pretty good but iv not played kane and lynch, has any one else played it? if so what did you think?
also what other ps3 games do you all recommend? im into FPS and RPG's.
the worst game i ever bought has to be Fallout 3, i hated this game with a passion, it was complete W**K. i played it for like 6 hours just hoping for it to get as good as its ment to but it just stayed W**K.
any one else agree?? every time i say this every one is ripping my head off lol
this has been a very mature and technical thread. every one should be very proud. most forums on other sites would have fall outs and name calling about 3 posts in lol
i found the controls and gameplay alot like devil may cry 4, there wasnt alot of running to be done in the demo but im sure if there was it would do that really annoying thing that devil may cry does when the camera angle keeps changing. its seems like an ok game but i would probly rent it before buying it.
iv found ebay to be the cheapest. i also tried one of them stupid websites where you need points for free things and its probly the most pointless thing i have ever done in my life lol
does any one know what they do? iv only been playing the game for about 2 hours and have found a black box and a skull (the game hasnt recognised the skull though :() and i was just wondering what the black boxes do?
any help would be bad ass :)
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