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leftboydestroy Blog

**** you cnet

i just cancelled my account.

I was under the impression that you were a credible news and reviews source.

My mistake.

ABJECT pictures Official Site

The official site for my film studio is now up and running. Currently there is just a placeholder graphic right now, but soon i will upload all of my films to that site.


An Unproductive Day is currently on hold because I was contacted by TakeTwo and was told I don't have the rights to create such things and distribute them because they have since purchased the max payne franchise from Remedy. So until that gets sorted out, then I'm pretty much screwed on that front. I might just take the script i wrote for an unproductive day and just make a real movie out of it. who knows.

Since making that trailer I have made 2 more live action films which will be on my official site very soon. DOTS is complete and I filmed a short film called Exposure in December.

Currently I am working on my biggest film production to date. Im still working on a final title, but it's codenamed 'The Nice Necropheliac' for now. It will be my longest film to date, and the script is almost complete. I expect to start filming in February if I decide to do it as my next film.

My New Film 'DOTS'

My next film, DOTS, is going to finish shooting on Thursday if all goes well.  And I am going to upload the entire film to Gamespot first. 

So you guys will be the first ones to see this.  Also, if you live in the Bay Area, this movie will be possibly screened at two locations, one of them being an IMAX theatre!  So when the time comes I will let you know how to get a ticket if you're interested.

This is my first live-action film, and is really a break away from the machinima's i've done so far.

i stayed up late AFTER HOURS

I got to meet ALL the editors!!!!!  I talked with greg kasavin about bioshock and the wow beta and his 12 hour game-a-thons!

I know i'm a nerd, but I have always wanted to meet him and the rest of the editors.  The only person i didnt get to meet in person was Rich, he was on stage for almost the whole show. 

I also talked with Brian Eckberg for a while, it was a nerd's dream come true.  Among others i got to meet Greg Meuller, Jeff Gerstmann!!, Alex Navarro, Jason Ocampo, and Ryan Davis.  I saw Brad Shoemaker also, but i dont think he was working at the show.

I got an After Hours shirt and wristband, and bunches of other cool stuff.


Bioshock looks amazing in person. its so pretty.

I also got to go up on stage as one of the 3 finalists for the VIP contest!  I didn't win, but I got to be on GAMESPOT LIVE!!!!

such a good day.

Duke Nukem LIVES ! ! !

For the love of sweet jesus, let Duke Nukem Forever be released before December 31st.

TakeTwo is going to give 3dRealms 500,000 dollars to finish the game before the end of the year.

Im so excited for this game, been waiting for it since the first screens i saw in an issue of Computer Game Guide in early '97 (which i still have).

Now dont make fun of me because DNF is going to turn out like Daikatana. Let me bask in my ignorance at least until it comes out.

New Max Payne Movie

After seeing how people liked my first Matrix Payne, I decided to reinstall max payne 2 and start fooling around with fraps.  This one is going to be more of a machinima with not as much slow motion.  If anyone is interested in doing voices let me know. 

im going to start recording footage of the game and see what i want to do.