its better to use 3rd person only for running around the world or in the cities, 1st person view is the only real way to fight in yes it is hard to play in 3rd person if thats the only view you use :roll:......just do what i do when playing it, only use 1st person in combat, tight areas, and talking to people and 3rd person everywhere else ;)
legandary_ACE's forum posts
i don't know :? seems like an old PS2 game to me....the graphics are horrible, the fighting gets repeative, and the shooting felt clunky and cheap :|...the only thing i liked was the take down animations, those are cool to watch ;)
[QUOTE="budboarder"]no, not unless yout ake it out and put it in a pc or something. at least nothing im aware of.EYEInfernoAh ok, thx. 1 last question, the Hard Disk is replacable right? Any news on Sony releasing a 80GB hard disk to replace the 40GB hard disk?
dude, you can go to like best buy and get a 200gb Hard disk if you wanted to, any 2.5 inch laptop HDD will work in the PS3 :D
the MGS4 pack is coming out in june
It's an 80gb * ALL 80gb's have BC :roll: * and it comes with a dual shock 3 and MGS4
because the snake in his sig is big boss while the snake in MGS4 is solid snake[QUOTE="SuperMario254"][QUOTE="HoVDaHuSTLa1"] i dont get it, why is his left eye with the patch and in the TC's sig its on his right? HoVDaHuSTLa1
so its a coincidence that they both had something happen to their eyes? damn and i thought I was a MGS freak ,that just confused me
theres nothing wrong with solid snake's eye :roll:, that eye patch of his is a device that can do things like zoom, nightvision, and thermal..... the only reason its in the form of an eye patch is so solid snake metaphorically "looks" like big boss 8)
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