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End before Cancellation!!

Seeing the newest news about Simon Cowell has left me feeling that there are a lot of shows out there that need to stop while the going is good before this happens to them. I've thought for a while that, with Paula gone, it was only a matter of time before American Idol was finished, but now that Simon is leaving, the show needs to end after this season. I don't want AI to evey try replacing Simon, because they can't. If they do a tenth season, it will be remembered for a long time as the worst season ever. Despite what Randy said, people do watch the show for the judges, particularly Paula and Simon, myself included.

But this got me thinking about other shows which need to end before they get cancelled unceremoniously. Here is my list:

1. Heroes - Heroes tops the list because, even though I continue to watch and (gasp!) like the show, the ratings have been slowly plummeting since season 1, with this season at the show's lowest. I continue to think that Heroes, especially this season, is really good. But most other people don't think so. But because of how well it once did, I really would like the show to end on its own terms in some amazing way before it gets cancelled, because the faithful and real fans deserve it. Maybe Peter actually getting his full on power back and fighting Sylar in an epic battle that results in both of them dying? Sounds good to me.

2. Smallville - Smallville has been on the air for quite some time now and despite the fact that this season has undeniably been their strongest in quite some time, the fact that they lost, not only Kristin Kreuk, but Michael Rosenbaum and the execuive producers as well tells me that it's time for this show to end gracefully and the way it was meant to: with Clark donning the Superman costume and flying for the first time. I'm not saying they're short on material, I just want a satisfying ending before it is too late.

3. Supernatural - The same could be said for Supernatural. I have watched five seasons of this show and season 5, the current season, has by far been the best and I have been very pleased with how they are handling the Apocalypse. But, as has been brought up by many fans, how do you best the storyline which is currently going on? How do you top the Winchester brothers stopping the Apocalypse and killing Satan??? There's just no way to continue a show once they have defeated the most evil entity known to man. So, Eric Kripke, from a fan, stop while the going's good. It's better to go out like Ellen and Jo, with a bang, than limp your way to the finish line on a lackluster season. Because it will be very difficult to top this one.

4. Scrubs - Now this is one show that I am not currently watching and, frankly, am extremely upset is still on. I stuck with Scrubs through to what was supposed to be a series finale. I wrote in my review of that episode that the writers did an amazing job of providing closure while leaving the future wide open for all of the main characters (see: last 5 minutes of finale). But then they ruined it by continuing the series. In med school. Bad idea from the get-go and now, it looks like Scrubs's series finale will forever be besmirched by the retarded offspring it created. Try as they might, the writers could not save this sinking ship. They could have made a spin-off under a different name. I wouldn't have watched it, but I would have been happy. But no, ABC decided to keep the series going and look what happened. Piece of advice, writers, write a finale and give the Scrubs fans something to hold on to. Because if this show gets cancelled without the proper send-off it deserves, I will never forgive you corporate bigwigs.

What do you think? Any shows that should end while the going's good?

Watching Avatar again...

So I finally caved and bought all three seasons of Avatar on DVD because Avatar is the best show EVER!!! I am now watching it with some of my friends, who are watching it for the first time. However, since I've already seen all of these episodes, I am starting to notice a lot more little tidbits that I never noticed before. For example, they mentioned Ba Sing Se a lot in the first season. Also, in "The Warriors of Kyoshi", during the scene with Katara and Aang in the market, if you look behind Aang, you will see a man arguing with a pole; it goes back to him later and he is slumped over in defeat, as if the pole won the argument. Iroh actually channeled lightning during "The Storm", a full season before that technique was ever mentioned. Those are just a few things that I noticed and I was impressed that the writers thought so far ahead, which only made me love this show all the more. Have you noticed anything like that?

My Supported Relationships

So last night I got thinking about relationships in my favorite shows upon watching the series finale of Avatar: the Last Aibender (again). I wanted to go ahead and list all of my favorite ships because I'd much rather do it here than put it in my sig since it would be too long. So I am going to list every show in my Favorites and which relationship(s) I liked in that show and you can comment below.

24 - Jack & Audrey
Avatar: Aang & Katara, Zuko & Mai, Sokka & Toph
Battlestar Galactica: Starbuck & Lee
Ben 10 Alien Force: Kevin & Gwen
Danny Phantom: Danny & Sam
Justice League: Batman & Wonder Woman
Numb3rs: Charlie & Anita
Pokemon: Ash & Misty, May & Drew
Power Rangers: Tommy & Kim
Scrubs: J.D. & Elliot
Smallville: Clark & Lana
Teen Titans: Robin & Starfire, Beast Boy & Terra

As you can see, most of the relationships I like are canon, and the rest of them were at least hinted at in the show. I didn't like how Toph was left with no one at the end of A:TLA while the rest of the Gaang ended up with someone. I also did not like how the writers left the relationship between Starbuck and Lee, what with Starbuck disappearing with no explanation whatsoever. Batman and WW were hinted at a lot throughout the series, but nothing ever happened, which made me a little upset. I believe that my Pokemon couples are the right ones since neither May or Dawn could compete with AAML and Drew has shown that he has feelings for May on at least several occassions. Tommy and Kim should have ended up together, but she left and everyone knows long-distance relationships rarely work since nearly everyone finds "someone else"; Kat could never take her place. Clana will never happen in Smallville and I admit that their on-again, off-again relationship did get a little annoying at times (and yes, I know Clark ends up with Lois) but it was still a nice relationship while it lasted. The last episode of Teen Titans also made me mad in regards to the BBxTerra ship because it left so many questions unanswered and the resolution of Terra's storyline up in the air. As for all of the canon relationships in my list, you can call me unoriginal, but I like it when these things turn out how the writers intended and the mere fact that these relationships are supported by the writers gives me a lot of credibility. After all, I supported most of these before they even happened and I am rooting them on now that they are happening.

Low Ratings - Why?

You know what I don't understand? My two newest favorite shows on here are constantly getting low ratings by the other users on TV.com: Harper's Island and Glee. Granted, Glee has only been on for one episode so it can't be an awesome show with great ratings yet, but still. Harper's Island, on the other hand, is almost done with its 13-episode run and none of the episode has gotten over an 8.0 yet. However, all of the users in the forums have nothing but positive things to say about the show. So I am just confused and upset at these seemingly out-of-nowhere low ratings. Do people really hate the shows that much? Are they that close-minded against new shows with fresh ideas? Well, as I have constantly been telling people on the Heroes forum, if you don't like the show that much, you don't have to watch it! Honestly, if you're only going to sit there and gripe about a perfectly good TV show and write bad reviews and give it low scores on here, then your time would be better spent watching something else, wouldn't it? Leave the good shows to the actual fans and give the show the credit it deserves. Because if new people come on the website, looking to see if the show was any good before deciding to watch it themselves, they're going to see your negative reviews and decide not to watch a good show. If you don't like it, tell people why in the forums and they might change your mind, but don't just rate and run please.

End of Freshman Year...

This is so weird. It feels like I just came to USC and now, all of a sudden, everyone is taking their last finals of freshman year and packing up to go home. High school went by fast, but not this fast. I mean, this semester just flew by even though I was taking harder courses than last semester. I really hope the rest of college isn't like this. It's not that I didn't have fun - I really enjoyed this entire year - I just don't want it to go by so quickly. It seems a little ridiculous for me to be thinking about finding a place in Los Angeles, graduating from college, getting a full-time job, and paying off all of my college debt so soon, but it's a little disconcerting when your first year in college went by so quickly. Oh well, I'll just take it one year at a time. Hopefully, it will slow down, but I'll enjoy the ride nonetheless.

ARGH!!! Computer Problems!!! AGAIN!!!

I have to say that when I first ordered my laptop for college that I didn't heed the warnings of using Vista and that I should get a Mac. Everyone has heard that Macs are better than PCs (thank you Mac commercials, we get it) but no one takes it that seriously until they get a PC and it craps out on them...and again...and again. This is the third time I will have had to basically start over from nothing on my computer. The first time, I had to get a new hard drive, but this is the second time that I will have had to reset this computer to factory settings. So, once again, I have to back up all of my files, back up my iTunes library, reset my computer, and reinstall everything. And the worst part is that no one can do anything about it. I talked to three different speacialists today and they all said that this is what I have to do.

The worst part about this is that it's not like I could just say "Well, maybe this caused the computer to crap out, so I should just not do that anymore." No! I don't know what is causing my computer to be as crappy as it is, it just happens. And, of course, it's nothing simple and nothing that anyone can fix without resetting the computer. Argh! If this happens again, I swear to God, I am going out and buying a Mac.

Premiere Season Again!

I know I may be a little late to the party with a blog post on premieres considering it's almost two months after September, but I figured I'd wait to see how everything went before I commented. So far everything went as I predicted: Heroes has given me more questions than answers, Smallville continues to support my belief that it is about time that they hang up their capes, Numb3rs still cannot surpass their amazing third season, and Survivor and The Amazing Race have not surprised me very much in the least...and I couldn't be happier! Besides all of these shortcomings, every one of my favorite shows continues to draw me in week after week to see what happens. Heroes has taken twists and turns like in no other season and now I am questioning everything I ever believed about the people in the show. Smallville may well be on its last legs (I think with everyone jumping ship, this should be the last season for the own good) but even without Lana, Lex, and the original writers, the introduction of Doomsday and the further and quicker development of Clark into Superman makes me want to keep tuning in until the end, whenever that may be. Numb3rs will never surpass the bar they set for themselves in the third season (especially the finale!) but I have come to terms with that and I am now enjoying the fifth season with a gusto. Survivor and The Amazing Race both have their moments this season, but people remain loyal to these shows because of their consistancy: if these two of my favorite reality shows suddenly reversed in the other direction, I might not want to keep watching, but I have already become attached to the new seasons and already have my favorites to win (they won't, but it doesn't stop me from predicting) and those who I want to lose (they'll win...see the irony???). On top of all of this is the added bouns of discovering two new shows: Supernatural and Scrubs. I caught up on all three of the past Supernatural episodes during the past few months and I couldn't be happier with the new season: it's kept me hooked and it's exactly why I picked it up in the first place. Scrubs won't be back for a little while longer, what with the ABC-NBC switch going on, but I am content with watching the seasons on DVD as of now (I'm on the second season). I may be in college now, but that doesn't mean I can't keep up with my shows!


Oh my God! I have finally graduated from high school! The entire ceremony was a little boring, but I have finally made it out and will be preparaing to go to the University of Southern California this fall. This entire year seemed to be going by so fast, but it hit me last night at my grad party that it really is over and that high school is a thing of the past now. All of those AP tests, lame teachers, and silent reading sessions are over and now I can begin to focus on college. I am a little about starting USC in the fall as college work will definately be harder than high school work, especially since I am coming from Hawaii, which has one of the worst education systems in the country. I will be studying to become an actor, so LA: watch out cuz here I come!

The Strike Wasn't Too Bad....

Truth be told, I wasn't that affected by the writers' strike until recently, when I found out that Heroes would not be airing new episodes until the new fall season. I still don't know the fate of Journeyman, my other favorite NBC show, but Smallville episodes and Survivor and The Amazing Race kept me going through the end of the strike. There really weren't a lot of bad effects, so far as I am concerned, although I know for a fact that I will be feeling it later, with the postponment of many movies that would have been coming out sooner, such as the Justice League movie and the next Transformers movie, both of which I was really looking forward to. All in all, though, I made it through without barely a scratch, but the thing about Heroes not even airing new episodes until September really makes my blood boil, because they left so much unanswered and the whole prospect of the next volume was very promising...*sigh* I guess I'll just have to wait and, on another note, does any one know when new episodes of Avatar will be airing in the US? I mean, the last two episodes after the Day of Black Sun I had to watch on the Internet because they haven't come out in the US. What's up with that?

September Comes to a Close...

Ah! Another great month of premieres. It is great to be back into the full swing of my weekly shows. Now that Heroes, Family Guy, Avatar, Numb3rs, Survivor, and Smallville have started up again, I will finally have something to look forward to practically every day. I have this entire week off from school as part of our year-round schedule, so I can relax and watch the shows every night instead of waiting for the next day and using the DVR (which is kinda like Tivo). It really stinks'cuz my parents went with my little brother on vacation but I'm stuck here, at home, since I have to do "college stuff". I guess being a senior in high school isn't the best thing in the world but hopefully I'll be able to get a lot of work done. I'll just have to wait and see what the next three quarters of school bring me. It is hard to imagine that I am done with my final first quarter of high school and this time next year, I'll be in college, wherever that may be.
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