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legoguitarman Blog

First Entry in a While

I haven't been updating my blog lately (not that anyone is desperate to hear about me anyways :P ) but I've been quite busy starting a new school year and more importantly buying an Xbox 360 which I have been totally addicted to! Buying my Xbox is the main reason I haven't been on Gamespot recently but now its "newness" has faded and I have Exams to start studying for... But the main reason for this entry is to get suggestions for 360 games to play... any ideas?

What happened to Raptr??

It feels like all of a sudden my Xbox Achievements disappeared from GameSpot :'( I really like seeing other people achievements and comparing them with my own, does anyone know when achievements will come back online?

Vacation Update!

Just got back from camping and it is great to be home! I thought I would be water skiing but we lost the tow-rope:( no skiing for me, oh well tubing was still fun and the weather was hot!!! Great Time, HAPPY 4th of JULY EVERYONE!!!


Going away for an extended long weekend!! Up to my Cabin and Shuswap Lake, 4 days of waterskiing and tubing ahead!!! Hope the weather stays good it's been know to pour for days up there, but when it's sunny it cooks (averaging 22 degrees plus!) Happy Canada Day and Indendance Day eveyone!

FInally it's SHINY!

I started playing my Pokemon game for the first time in months and after doing some contests I was running around the grass and a ~SHINY~ Kricketune appeared I've never run into a shiny before and this was a big deal for me! I quickly threw out a quickball and caought it! Woot! after logging over 200 hours I've finally caught myself a shiny!

Why we are who we are

What makes a gamer a gamer,Gamers have faced a lot ofcriticismand compliments but what is is it that really makes us who we are??

Loyalty: most if not all gamers are loyal to a franchise, a console or a game series. They will buy every installment released buy the franchise. Sure they try other games but they know they can always fall back on the game that they know has proven it self and will provided the thirst they feel towards games! People may try to persuade them but few very few leave there favourite game for a new one! My game of choice would have to be Pokemon, first Pokemon game I ever played was Ruby and I have owned/ played every gamerealisedsince then. Other games that I know will provide include: Donkey Kong, and Animal Crossing.

Competitiveness: Every game I have ever played that isn't Animal Crossing has some form of Battle of Challenge to complete and when I play multiplayer it gets crazy!! Some of my friends get so nutty that they jump around when they lose. Some opponent's I have faced in Mario Kart in my living room have actually forgotten to breathe they have gotten so fixed on the screen. When playing FIFA Soccer 11, I've scored and had friends actually run out the room yelling they get so frustrated. I was playing Black Ops with some friends and one friend got killed and jumped up smacking his head on the wall, then he just started rolling on the ground. Yeah it gets intense. Does this happen to any of you??

Finally Friendliness: I've been on gamespot/gamefaqs getting info on the gym leaders/ Elite 4 for Pokemon and I've never found a game guide author or forum posters who has been rude or grumpy about giving help to others. They are so helpful/ friendly that it makes for fun reading. At least on Gamespot they are great!! Most people make an attempt to fill their game guides with useful info and not useless spam (which gets annoying!) plus most put their emails down so that people with further questions can email them.

This is what makes gamers, gamers to me and makes me proud to be one of them!!! My question to the rest of you is... What makes you a gamer?