Recently, there seems to have been just as many people preaching that the Wii U will succeed as there have been people marking it as Nintendo's death in the console market.
Of course, as many people have already pointed out, the sales of the Wii U will pick up when more games are released because, as the 3DS has proved recently, software sells hardware when it comes to the games industry.
However, even with this optimistic outlook, I can't help but feel that the Wii U may not hit the dizzying sales heights that it's predecessor did and continues to do. This is because the console simply lacks the high level of innovation and simplicity that attracted so many people who had never even played a video game before Wii Sports to purchase a Wii and for this reason I can't see the Wii U racking up 90 million plus sales in it's lifespan.
Still, I belive that the system will go on to sell in big numbers and there's no chance that the outcome that sees Nintendo ditching the console market will come true any time soon. Once Nintendo start bringing out the next entries in their biggest franchises, sales will shoot up as many Nintendo fans who have yet to take the plunge due to lack of games will make the purchase. And lets not forget the fact that the Wii U is an awesome system with lots of great features which will come in to their own in the near future when they have more users.
For the Wii U, I see a bright future!
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