So yeah, when said it would get here in 7-12 days, I guess they meant 3 days. So, on to what I think of BS2.I'm absolutley loving it! All the annoying-in-a-good-way things in BS1 are replaced with fun things that dont interupt the flow(i'm mostly refering to the hacking minigame), and mostly everything has been improved. Everything feels even more smooth than before! I dont know what the heck GameSpot found wrong with this great game, but w/e. The story isnt quite as good as BS1's though. Thats the only thing. But, being a Big Daddy is totally awesome! I love the drill, by far my favorite weapon. Also, the dual-wielding plasmids and weapons was a brilliant idea. I've only played two rounds of the multi-player, and it was better than I thought it would be. Even though everyone run funny. I didnt encounter too much lag, the thing everyone complained about. Its doesnt have anything on Uncharted 2 or CoD4's multi-player, but I'll probably have fun with the multi for awhile. Overall amazing game.
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