I'm completely bored of this website. Honestly, i don't know why they even pay an editorial team anymore. There's only 1 or 2 news articles published a day, no news on the weekends, bad moderation (some mods, not all mods), and the review scores I personally think are lower on some games just because the person who reviewed it sucked at the game.
So, I'm going to begin shifting from Gamespot to GiantBomb. It will start with my blog, I'll ocasionally post on the forums or on the few news articles they have, but that is it. Once I get used to GiantBomb, I will stop using my account on this website.
Thanks for all the support from my friends of my blog, and I hope to see one or more of you one day in GiantBomb land.
P.S. CNET Sucks.
Also, go to Kotaku for gaming news. They've got like 50 posts a day going on weekdays and at least 15 on weekends, and its pretty cool.