All signs are pointing to the fact that the PS3 is going to have a BIG announcement next week.
GDC 2008 is next week!!!!!!!!!! And, for a while, there has been a rumor that the next big firmware upgrade for the ps3 is coming next week, and supposedly 2.20 is the big INGAME XMB update. But that hasn't been confirmed.
On top of this rumor... KOTAKU, the People Magazine of gaming, discovered on Wednesday a new page posted, then pulled from, the US playstation site. What were these pages? Playstation network pages discussing "talk to others during gameplay, say hello anytime you're online or have a video chat with an Eye camera, USB camera or headset". It also had an entire brand-new page focusing on Playstation Home (and for those who have been following Sony closely, the ONLY OTHER PAGE that an English-speaking branch of sony has made is the ever-popular, which hasn't been updated since its appearing right after GDC 07).
So what is the announcement??? My guess is they have one or more of the following planned to be announced or discussed in detail:
- Little Big Planet
- Playstation Home Public Beta and/or final release
- PlayStation Network Cards
- PlayTV
- Remote Play using a PC
- In-Game XMB and/or upcoming firmware update
I cant really make any good predictions though, as Sony has already proved they're pretty unpredictable.